Can the magnolia tolerate frost?

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tolerates the magnolia Frost?

Magnolias can tolerate frosts down to minus 30 degrees Celsius, with deciduous varieties being more hardy than evergreens. However, their buds and flowers are sensitive to frost. To protect the roots from frost, cover them with a thick layer of bark mulch.

How much frost can the magnolia tolerate?

The magnolia tolerates cold temperatures down to minus 30 degrees Celsius. Exactly how much frost it can withstand depends on the variety. Some species are distinguished by their origin accustomed to frosty weather, while others come from Mediterranean or subtropical climes, so they do not tolerate frost as well.

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But: Today, with new breeds, special attention is often paid to the fact that they winter survive easily.

Which magnolias are particularly resistant to frost?

Deciduous magnolias are particularly resistant to frost. They shed their leaves in the fall and are naturally used to cold winters.

However, they react Buds and flowers always very sensitive

to frost, even in the intrinsically hardy species. That's why you should use early-flowering varieties only plant, if you live in a mild region. Otherwise, it is better to opt for late-blooming magnolias.

Which magnolias are sensitive to frost?

Evergreen magnolias are more sensitive to frost than deciduous species, so they increase winter protection require. Incidentally, this also applies to young magnolias, regardless of the specific type. You are still too weak to face the cold; only with that Old and increasing in strength, they become accustomed to the frost.

What to do if the magnolia has suffered frost damage?

If the magnolia has suffered frost damage, you can use one small cutback try the plant too rescue. If she's badly hit by the frost, you have to say goodbye to her, for better or worse, and she dispose of in the compost.

Notice: Frost damage can be avoided if you properly protect your magnolia against the cold from the start.


Important: Always protect the roots of the magnolia in frost

The roots of magnolia grow just below the surface of the earth. To prevent freezing, you should always cover them with a thick layer bark mulch cover - regardless of whether you keep a deciduous or evergreen variety in your garden.