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How do I fight ants in lemon tree soil?

To combat ants in the soil of a lemon tree, water the soil several times with plant manure or sprinkle cinnamon on the surface. Lemon manure, nettle manure, wormwood manure and tansy manure have a particularly deterrent effect on ants.

Are ants in the soil harmful to the lemon tree?

Ants on the lemon tree can aphid infestation favor or the roots undercut. However, these problems usually only arise when ant trails have developed lemon Tree form, aphids are present on the leaves of the lemon tree or there is an ant nest in the soil. So first check the extent of the ant infestation before you take action against the beneficial insects. Ant nests are a problem because you root areas undercut Then the lemon tree loses its stability and the roots get less nutrients.

also read

  • ants-on-the-lemon-tree
  • ants-in-potted-plants
  • olive tree ants
  • Lemon tree sticks
  • Lemon tree spider mites
  • Ants on roses
  • ants-in-the-flowerpot
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How do I get rid of aphids and ants on the lemon tree?

An aphid infestation on the lemon tree fight you with strong water jets and soft soap solution. If you suspect the mealybug to be the cause of the ant infestation on the lemon tree, first check the leaves of the plant. Is there a sticky residue on their surface? Then the plant was attacked by the pest. The sticky residue is an excretion of the

aphid. Ants feed on this, care for and milk the scale insect. How to proceed:

  1. rinse leaves
  2. Spray lemon tree with spirit or soft soap solution.

How can I fight ants in the lemon tree soil?

Water the soil thoroughly and several times vegetable manure or scatter Cinammon on earth. The following liquid manures have a particularly deterrent effect on ants due to their smell:

  • tansy manure
  • wormwood manure
  • nettle manure
  • lemon manure

Scattering cinnamon on the surface of the soil will also keep ants away from your lemon tree. However, the effect of this powder dissipates quite quickly. If you have the impression that the animals are underground in the plant pot moving, replacing the substrate or repotting in new substrate helps.

How do I keep ants away from the lemon tree?

Pour lime around the bucket or lime Find the places where ants find access to the lemon tree. The following materials are recommended:

  • algae lime
  • bedrock meal
  • garden lime
  • chalk powder

In this case, you are dealing with a dusty powder that has a strongly basic pH value. Thanks to these properties, the substances neutralize formic acid. Therefore, ants do not walk on surfaces sprinkled with it.


Use baking soda to kill ants

As a remedy against an acute ant infestation on the lemon tree baking powder insert. Bring the remedy out in the coaster or on the Earth under the lemon tree. If the ants eat it, they die. Note, however, that you will destroy the useful animals by doing so.