How old can the tree get?

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How old can one magnolia become?

Under optimal growth conditions, a magnolia can reach an age of over 100 years. To encourage this, it should be planted in a spot that allows adequate space for height and width, and given adequate care on an ongoing basis.

What age can a magnolia reach?

A magnolia can well and willingly Age of 100 years or more to reach. Some stately magnolia trees, for example, that stand in the parks of former mansions bear witness to this.

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Of course, a magnolia only gets that old if it is in optimal conditions grow may. But in and of itself, the ornamental tree is considered to be very persistent and long-lasting.

How do I encourage old age in my magnolia?

In order for your magnolia to live to a ripe old age, consider the beauty of one good location plant. Make sure the magnolia tree itself unfold freely both in height and in width can. He's getting better with the years greater.

Furthermore, you can favor an old age of the magnolia by blooming miracles

continuous care adequately. Under these conditions, the chances are good that the tree will survive for more than one generation.


Magnolias are among the oldest plants ever

According to expert estimates, magnolias have existed for more than 130 million years. So they already existed when dinosaurs lived on our planet. This makes the magnificent trees, which originally come from East Asia and the USA, one of the oldest plants in the world.

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