The apple tree does not grow: tips for good growth

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Why doesn't the apple tree grow?

Wrong or poor nutrient supply, insect infestation, tree diseases and drought often result in the apple tree not growing. Freshly planted trees were sometimes simply planted too deep. Too much compacted substrate or waterlogging can also be to blame for poor growth.

Why is the planting depth so important for the apple to grow well?

If the root collar is not slightly above the ground, the trunk begins to rot. The bark protects the tree even in extreme weather. However, if it comes into permanent contact with moisture, the bark softens and the wood becomes ailing.

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Plant an apple tree therefore always so that the thick grafting point is about ten centimeters above ground level. Trees that are set too low and hardly grow can be dug up again in the first few years and planted again.

Why does compacted soil damage the apple tree?

In compacted substrates the Portion from cavities very small amount and the pores of the soil are extremely small. Water can badly saved and there is little oxygen available in the soil.

The roots of the apple tree does not do well, especially since waterlogging often forms in these substrates, which leads to root rot.

You should therefore loosen the heavily compacted soil before planting

  • Sand,
  • mineral sediments (silt) or
  • compost

on. Additionally, you should encourage soil organisms soil activator incorporate.

What nutrients does the apple tree need for good growth?

A lack of the nutrients potassium, iron or zinc causes the apple tree to grow poorly. But too much fertilizer can also damage it.

You can prevent this as follows:

  • Before the fertilization it is recommended to have one soil analysis to create.
  • This way you know exactly which nutrients are missing or have excess.
  • In this way, you can eliminate a possible deficiency or surplus in a targeted manner.

Why does drought affect apple growth?

Since the storage organs of the apple tree when dry, the deeper ones, water-bearing soil layers do not more to reach, the leaves hang wearily on the branches, begin to change color and dry up. The fruits are shed, height growth stagnates.

Water the fruit tree always penetrating when there is no rain. A fully-hung fruit tree needs a lot of water and should be watered every few days in the evening hours for about 30 to 45 minutes with a gentle jet directly in the root area.

How do pests or diseases affect growth?

diseases and pests infested the Leaves, fruits, bark, roots and even that Wood of the apple tree. It is therefore important for the vitality of the wood and good growth that you regularly check it for signs of diseases and insect infestation check.

More serious damage can usually be avoided through targeted control. Rely on biological measures that protect beneficial insects and thus ensure an ecological balance in your garden.


Stimulate growth by pruning

Regular pruning encourages the apple tree to put on new shoots, lush leaves and lots of flowers. In particular, old fruit trees that no longer want to grow well and produce only sparse fruit can be rejuvenated in this way and promote growth.