Raspberries: Underplanting is worth it!

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Which plants are suitable for underplanting raspberries?

You can underplant raspberries with ground cover, perennials, vegetables, herbs, early bloomers and ferns that belong to the weak feeders count and one damp ground as well as partially shaded location tolerate. Best suited are:
  • Sweet Violet or periwinkle
  • marigold or yarrow
  • garlic or French beans
  • wild garlic or lemon balm
  • lily of the valley or snowdrops
  • male fern or polypody

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  • grow raspberries
  • Raspberries in the garden
  • Raspberries location
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Plant raspberries with ground covers

Since raspberries are flat-rooted, they should be underplanted with ground covers that roots near the surface of the earth form. It is recommended to start the underplanting when Planting the raspberries implemented so that the roots and runners of the raspberry plants are not damaged later. Low plants such as:

  • Sweet Violet
  • Groundman
  • periwinkle
  • fat man
[image: beet|raspberry, sweet violet]

Underplant raspberries with perennials

You can also underplant your raspberries with perennials that like partially shaded site conditions and like a slightly moist substrate. How about if you specifically underplant perennials that have a positive effect on the raspberries and also look beautiful. Yarrow, for example, supports the

fertility of raspberries, while the radiant blooming marigolds pestskeep away. The following perennials are perfect for underplanting raspberries:

  • yarrow
  • marigolds
  • forget Me Not
  • tansy
  • tagetes
[image: beet|raspberry, myosotis]

Plant raspberries with vegetables

Do you want to plant your raspberries in the vegetable patch? Then you can underplant them there with vegetables that will benefit them and, in addition, minimize the risk of disease and infestation by pests. However, the vegetables should shallow roots and relative stay small, so as not to disturb the raspberry rods. The following are suitable:

  • Garlic
  • onions
  • bush beans
  • Lamb's lettuce
[picture: bed|raspberry, allium cepa]

Plant raspberries with herbs

While Mediterranean herbs are not suitable for underplanting raspberries, domestic herbs and those that originally grow in forests are almost predestined. They have similar site requirements to raspberries and effectively cover their root area, allowing moisture to escape from the soil more slowly. These herbs fit well under raspberries:

  • wild garlic
  • lemon balm
  • mint
  • woodruff
[image: beet|raspberry, wild garlic]

Underplant raspberries with early bloomers

Simultaneously with that setting the raspberries you can bring early bloomers into the soil. Here are above all lily of the valley to mention. Convallaria majalis protection Summer raspberries from infestation by the raspberry beetle and therefore also before maggots in the fruits. The raspberry rods, in turn, provide shade for the lilies of the valley in summer. Here is a selection of suitable early bloomers for underplanting raspberries:

  • lily of the valley
  • March mug
  • winterlings
  • crocuses
  • snowdrop
[picture: bed|raspberry, convallaria majalis]

Underplant raspberries with ferns

Last but not least, ferns are ideal partners for raspberries. The wet ground and penumbra at the foot of the raspberries suits most ferns. These, in turn, match Rubus idaeus because they shallow roots own and one long-term underplanting represent. These ferns are particularly recommended:

  • shield fern
  • Polypody
  • rib fern
  • maidenhair fern
  • male fern
[picture: beet|raspberry, downy spring shield fern]


Avoid heavy feeders for underplanting

You should not place heavy consumers under raspberries. They would compete with the berry for nutrients and thus significantly slow down its growth. It is therefore better to choose weak and medium feeders for the underplanting and regularly supply the raspberries with one berry fertilizer,(€11.00 at Amazon*) which also does not damage the underplanting.

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