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how to stay hydrangeas fresh in the vase for a long time?

Hydrangeas should be planted in immediately after cutting Water be asked. The later in the season you cut them, the longer they stay fresh in the vase, sometimes even for several weeks. It is important to remove all leaves and that the stem is not too long. Wilted flowers can be refreshed with a water bath.

How long do hydrangeas last in a vase?

Hydrangeas last about as cut flowers in a vase 7 days. The later in the season they cut, the longer they will last. If you only cut the flowers in August, they will be very firm and can be kept in the vase arranged even give pleasure for several weeks.

also read

  • Hydrangea wilts
  • Hydrangea is dying
  • Hydrangea leaves hanging flowers
  • Save Hydrangea
  • Panicle hydrangea dried
  • Preserve Hydrangea
  • hydrangea drying
  • hydrangea season
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Why do hydrangeas wilt in vases?

At the Cutting off a hydrangea flower arises one Injurythat the plant is trying to heal. It forms a kind of plug that seals the cut. The result is that little or no water can be absorbed through this plug. The water-loving hydrangea will die of thirst while standing in water, and the flower will withered.

How do I keep my hydrangeas fresh in the vase for as long as possible?

  • Just cut older flowers away. They are firmer and less delicate than young flowers.
  • Cut that stalk slightly sloping and not too deep. The greener and fresher the end of the stem, the better the flower can absorb water.
  • Put the hydrangeas in the water immediately after cutting them off.
  • Remove all leaves on the stem of the hydrangea. This reduces evaporation and allows more water to get into the flowers.
  • Change the water in the vase every few days to prevent germ formation.

What can I do if my hydrangeas have wilted?

If your hydrangeas are already in the vase their let the flowers hang, you can try to make them look fresh again with the following measures:

  • Roughly cut the stems two centimeters away.
  • Bathe Place the hydrangeas, including the leaves and blossoms, in lukewarm water for an hour, for example in a bucket, in the sink or in the bathtub.

Which cut flowers can I combine hydrangeas with?

The magnificent hydrangea flowers work in the vase without any accompaniment. But they can also be combined with other flowers and leaves combine. In bridal bouquets they are often used together with lilies, roses or lavender used. Depending on the flower color is also an interaction with delphinium, dahlias or lady's mantle pretty to look at.


Arrange hydrangeas in vases as a dried bouquet

To enjoy your hydrangeas even longer, you can dry them drymake durable. Dried bouquets can also be well presented in vases.