Remove leaves on bark mulch

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Should you remove leaves from bark mulch?

Removing foliage from bark mulch is not essential unless it is a slow-rotting foliage such as oak, beech, walnut or sycamore. Too much foliage can cause mold or rot, so the foliage layer should not be too thick.

Is it important to remove leaves from bark mulch?

alone off optical reasons it may be important for one or the other gardener to remove leaves from the bark mulch. But in principle disturbs the leaves on the Bark mulch in the flower bed, in the vegetable patch or elsewhere not significant. It is therefore not absolutely necessary to remove it. The foliage rots over time and later, when transformed into soil, serves as humus or. fertilizer.

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Which leaves should be removed from the bark mulch?

foliage, that slowly rotted, should ideally be of bark mulch removed become. This includes, for example, the foliage of oak, beech, walnut and plane tree. It decomposes very slowly due to its high tannin content. Sometimes it can take several years for it to completely decompose.

How can leaves be removed from bark mulch?

You can see the foliage pick up. It's tedious, but you can do something at the same time remove weeds. It is not advisable to remove the leaves on the bark mulch with a broom or rake, because such equipment usually removes part of the bark mulch.

own one leaf blower? Then you can also use this. But the leaf blower should only be used when the leaves are dry. After a downpour, the wet leaves are difficult to blow off the bark mulch.

What can the leaves from the bark mulch be used for?

You can use the foliage to form a pile of leaves that hedgehogs and insects call shelter used in the autumn and winter time.

You can also put the leaves on the compost, work them into the bed or use them to grow perennials mulch. The mulching in autumn with leaves also serves as protection against frost in the root area of ​​cold-sensitive plants.

What is the danger of too many leaves on the bark mulch?

If autumn and winter are characterized by a lot of precipitation, there is a risk of a too thick layer of leaves on the bark mulch Mold or rot. The fungi can penetrate the soil through the bark mulch and plants could later become diseased. Therefore, you should make sure that the layer of foliage on the mulch(€27.00 at Amazon*) is not too fat.


Leaves on the mulch add color freshness

Bark mulch is often monotonous and, admittedly, relatively boring. Colorful autumn leaves on the bark mulch, on the other hand, ensure an attractive fresh color and thus visually enhance dreary beds even in autumn.

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