Mulch privet with bark mulch

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Why is bark mulch recommended for privet?

Bark mulch offers many benefits to privet including drought protection, long term nutrient supply, weed suppression and pH improvement. This organic and environmentally friendly fertilizer is also visually appealing under the privet hedge.

What are the advantages of bark mulch for privet?

If you under the liguster Apply bark mulch, you can Avoid drought and a long-term nutrient supply to guarantee. The mulching on the one hand covers the ground so that the sun does not shine directly on it. In addition, bark mulch stores humidity and nutrients and releases them slowly to the ground. In this way you avoid that the privet is over-fertilized at times and searches in vain for nutrients in later months. So you make things easier for yourself with the help of bark mulch Fertilize.

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How does bark mulch look under the privet?

You can do very well with bark mulch drive out weeds and for one decent impression care under their hedge. In this respect, there is also a lot to be said for mulching the subsoil under a privet hedge. Unlike grass clippings or green garden waste, bark mulch is visually appealing. The dark color of the material contrasts with the beautiful green of the

privet leaves away.

How does bark mulch affect the pH under the privet?

Bark mulch tends to affect you acidic pH there. One speaks of such a pH value when the pH value falls below a value of 6.5. However, an acidic pH value, such as that found in humus-rich forest soils, is beneficial for plants such as privet. With the help of bark mulch you achieve another plus point in the Care your privet.

Is bark mulch under the privet environmentally friendly?

Unlike some fertilizers, you must environmentally friendly bark mulch don't worry about over-fertilization. The material is characterized by the fact that it stores nutrients and releases them bit by bit. In addition, bark mulch degrades completely over time. After decomposition by microorganisms, new nutrients are created for the soil. Similar to the Fertilize with Hornspan you have an organic fertilizer that is ecologically absolutely environmentally friendly. In addition, it is perfectly tailored to the needs of the privet.


That's why you should fertilize young privet before mulching!

When microorganisms decompose bark mulch, nitrogen is consumed in the process. A freshly planted, young privet can then lack this nitrogen. As a result, growth can stop. To avoid this, you should protect the plant before mulching with the appropriate fertilizer take care of. Or you can use bark compost for mulching. This material is already more decomposed.