Azalea gets brown flowers

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Why gets my azalea brown flowers?
Azaleas get brown flowers due to care mistakes such as too little water, bud rot, pest infestation or lack of nutrients. To prevent this, keep the soil moist, remove affected flowers, treat pests and fertilize you regularly.

Has the azalea dried up and is it getting brown flowers?

Mistakes in care most often cause brown flowers. Whether your azalea too littlecast you can tell by the soil moisture. Stick a finger into the soil about an inch deep. If the soil there is dry and crumbly, the plant needs water immediately. To do this, dip your potted plant in water bath until no more bubbles rise and the root ball is saturated. Garden azaleas you should water thoroughly. If you act quickly, the plants can recover.

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Are the azalea flowers brown due to bud rot?

Will the blossoms Of their azaleabrown and form small patches that look wet and increase in size, your azalea is probably suffering from the bud rot Ovulinia. Also the brown flowers stick to the plant

and don't fall off. Bud rot occurs during cool and humid periods of weather. The spores of the pathogen remain in the flowers, so you should carefully remove affected flowers from the plant and soil. mulching the plant so that the pathogens do not overwinter.

Does the azalea suffer from pests and therefore have brown flowers?

Another reason for brown flowers on the azalea can be pests. Check your azalea regularly for pest infestation and act as soon as possible. If your plant has brown flowers and discoloration on the leaf stalks in the lower main wood, the fungal pathogen is probably present root and crown rot behind.
Also leafhoppers often spread the Bud and twig rot and must be eliminated.
top bugs can also cause brown flowers in severe cases. Examine your plant for dark insects with pointed wings.

How do I avoid brown flowers on the azalea in advance?

Azaleas don't have many claims. However, if you observe the following care tips, you will be rewarded with robust plants and a rich bloom:

  • Pay attention to the right one Location for your azalea species. Most like it in the shade to part shade, out of direct sunlight.
  • Always keep the plant moist.
  • Avoid waterlogging to prevent root rot.
  • Ideally, water with rainwater or low-lime tap water.
  • Fertilize you regularly.
  • Regularly remove faded flowers during the flowering period. This also promotes flower growth.


A nutrient deficiency also causes brown flowers

If the plant does not get enough nutrients, it cannot carry out its vital photosynthesis and reacts with withering and dying of the flowers. To avoid this, you should regularly strengthen your azalea with fertilizer in summer. You should also water with rainwater, as azaleas quickly suffer from chlorosis (lack of chlorophyll) if they get too much lime.