Japanese maple withers: You can do that

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Why does a Japanese maple dry up and what can you do about it?

When a Japanese maple dries up, the fungal disease Verticillium wilt is usually responsible. To save the plant, one should dig it up, roots and treetop Cut back and transplant them to a new location with fresh soil.

Why does the Japanese maple dry up?

In most cases the Verticillium wilt to blame if a Japanese maple as a planted specimen in the garden or as a container plant shows dried leaves. Along with this diagram on the plant, withered shoots also often appear.
Is the Acer palmatum getting the right water supply and is it not in need of too much heat? Location, he's pretty sure of this one Illness affected, which should be combated as quickly as possible.

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What is the clinical picture of Verticillium wilt?

First let dead leaf edges notice, then they all dry up quickly leaves on the Japanese maple and the shoots wither. This process usually continues from bottom to top and affects the entire plant

. The more the causative fungus spreads, the faster the Japanese maple will dry out and eventually die. The reason for this is that because of the fungal attack in this viral infection, the root can no longer supply the plant with sufficient water and nutrients.

What can you do about dried leaves and shoots?

The rapid control of Verticillium wilt is the only way to save a dried up tree. The following steps are necessary for this:

  1. dig up the infested tree
  2. Cut back roots and tree crown
  3. the Japanese maple transplant, it is essential to use fresh soil

It is important not to throw the cut roots and the cuttings from the wood on the compost, but to dispose of them with the household waste. Otherwise the fungal spores can continue to spread unhindered in the garden. Disinfecting the scissors is also strongly recommended.

Can a dried-up Japanese maple definitely be saved?

A dried up Japanese maple is unfortunately not always salvageable. If the wilt disease is already far advanced, this often means the death of the hardy sapling.

Are there chemical remedies for dried leaves?

Until now there is not an effective fungicide, when Japanese maple dries up. This is because the fungus is so well protected in the wood of the tree that no chemical agent can fight it there and it continues to damage the plant.


Other causes are also possible

In some cases, the drying up of a Japanese maple is also the result of too dry soil or too much heat ("sunburn"). Furthermore, too much water or waterlogging can lead to the damage. So before you fight a possible wilt disease, the wrong water supply and the wrong location should be ruled out as the cause of the drying up.