A bee magnet for the garden

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Why is the climbing hydrangea a good pasture for bees?

climbing hydrangeas attract bees and other pollinating insects as they give the busy crawlies a lot nectar offer. the big ones showy flowers Hydrangea petiolis bloom from May to July, i.e. during the main flight time of honey bees and many wild bee species. The beguiling scent of the beautiful plant also has an irresistible effect on insects. Other hydrangeas like the pretty ones peasant hydrangeas are less good bee pasture plants, as they only show few nectar-bearing flowers.

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  • climbing hydrangea-poisonous
  • Climbing Hydrangea Propagation
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  • hydrangea bees
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What types of insects, besides bees, are attracted to climbing hydrangeas?

The large flowers of climbing hydrangeas are used in addition to honey bees by wild bees, hoverflies, butterflies and tiny beetles visited. climbing hydrangeas thus enrich the nature-friendly garden, although they are not native plants.

Which climbing hydrangea variety is particularly bee-friendly?

A very good nectar plant for bees is the Climbing hydrangea varietySilver Lining„. It delights the insect world from May to June with its creamy-white flowers.


Your children are afraid of the bees visiting your climbing hydrangea, what should you do?

To conflicts between bees that the climbing hydrangea visit, and to avoid your anxious children or guests, consider the climbing hydrangea not too close plant along the path or in seating areas. Nervous people could tempt bees to sting. A sufficiently large distance prevents sensitive people from being scared and stung.

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