Help, my azalea is losing leaves

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Why is she losing? azalea Leaves and what helps against them?
Azaleas lose leaves due to lack of water, waterlogging, branch death, or lack of nitrogen. Immediate measures include immersion in the event of a water shortage, repotting in the event of waterlogging, removing infected plant parts in the event of branch death and regular Fertilize with nitrogen deficiency.

Why does the azalea lose leaves?

There are different causes, which cause the azalea to lose its leaves. In the first place, however, there is a lack of water and waterlogging. But it can also be the so-called branch dieback or nitrogen deficiency. With indoor azaleas, too warm a location can cause the plants to lose their leaves.

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What immediate measures help the azalea in case of leaf loss?

What actions you should take immediately to save the azalea, depends on the cause.

  • If there is a gradual or sudden lack of water, place the plant and its pot in lukewarm, soft water for about 20 minutes. After the immersion bath, allow the excess water to drain off well.
  • In the event of waterlogging, you should immediately place your room azalea in a dry substrate repot.
  • If branch death is present, all infected parts of the plant must be cut out without further delay in order to save the plant.
  • Regular fertilization helps against nitrogen deficiency.

What can I do to prevent leaf fall on azaleas?

So that the foliage of the azalea does not turn yellowish or brownish and ultimately fall off, you should use your azalea care properly. Does she get water and nutrient according to its needs, it should develop magnificently in the right location. Also, she becomes more resistant to Diseases.


Do not water azaleas with hard water

Azaleas are bog plants and are extremely sensitive to hard water. This can cause the plants to develop chlorosis. External signs of this are stunted growth, yellowing of the leaves and leaf loss. Since a diseased azalea is difficult to cure, you should water the plant with soft water or rainwater.