The cornel not only offers birds food through its fruit, but also protection and nesting opportunities thanks to its dense growth. Bird species in particular, such as blackbirds, nuthatches and jays, like to eat cornel cherries and use them for nesting.
Do birds eat cornelian cherries?
Not all bird species, but some, eat gladly the fruits of the cornel. The fruits, which are reminiscent of elongated cherries and are also known as dirndl and herlitzen, represent a tasty and at the same time a healthy source of food.
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Do birds nest in the cornel?
birds nest often in the cornel, as it is richly branched and dense, especially when cultivated as a Hedge is pulled. Small bird nests can often be discovered within the branches of the cornel, mostly blackbirds, robins or finches. They receive a lot of protection for their offspring there. In addition, the birds use the cornel to hide and rest.
Which birds like the fruits of cornelian cherries?
There are numerous Birds feasting on the fruits of cornel eat enough. These include starlings, blackbirds, nuthatches, bullfinches and jays. In total, there are said to be more than 15 bird species that like to pick up a snack from this plant.
Which cornelian cherries are particularly suitable for birds?
A popular and often encountered one cornel is the variety 'Jolico', which produces an abundance of fruit in July and is therefore perfectly suited as a tree for feeding birds. But also more Varieties of Cornus mas, which produce innumerable flowers in spring and are then lavishly adorned with fruit in summer, are suitable for birds. These include 'Schönbrunner Gourmet Dirndl', 'Kasanlaker' and 'Golden Glory'.
What is important when planting a cornel for birds?
If you have the opportunity and the space, you should not plant a single cornel in the garden plant, but a larger one Hedge out of several Trees for feeding and protecting birds. Well suited planting partners for the cornel are, for example elder, amelanchier, dogwood and wild rose. Pay attention to the correct planting distance!
Why is it worth preserving cornelian cherries for birds?
If you watch the birds in the barren winter want to do something good, you can harvest a few of the ripe cornelian cherries and dry or freeze them at home. In winter, put the fruit in the bird house with other bird seed or hang it wrapped in small nets on branches in the forest or park.
Cut the cornelian cherry for a dense bird shelter
So that the cornel grows densely branched, so that birds can hide in it and nest peacefully, you should regularly trim the plant accordingly.