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How can I grow maple from seed?

To grow maple from seed, collect mature seeds in the fall or purchase them from specialty stores, stratify them in moist sand in the refrigerator, sow in potting soil and place them in a semi-shady spot. Put the young plants outside when the temperature is warm.

How do I get maple seeds?

Collect you the mature seed of maples in autumn one or buy you this. Note that only mature seeds are germinable. If you collect the maple seeds from the tree in spring, they are not yet ripe. You also need to be aware of some seed characteristics if you want to successfully grow maple from seed. Alternatively, you can also buy seeds of a suitable variety in gardening shops.

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How do I prepare maple seeds for growing?

You only achieve real germination through stratification the seed. This simulates a natural cold stimulus, after which the maple seeds become germinable. The best way to stratify maple seeds is as follows:

  1. Soak the seeds in lukewarm chamomile tea for 36 hours.
  2. Fill a plastic bag with damp sand and place the soaked maple seeds inside.
  3. Seal the bag and place in the vegetable drawer of your fridge for 8 weeks.

How can I grow maple from seed?

Put the seeds in potting soil and place them in a warm, partially shaded location on. It is best to use a multi-pot tray if you want to grow the maple from seed. You can put one seed in each compartment. Place the seeds in the substrate no more than one centimeter below the surface. Mist the soil occasionally with lukewarm water from a spray bottle.

When do I put the raised maple outside?

Plant the plants first if possible warm temperatures into the free. Since young cuttings do not always endure so much frost and not every maple variety equally hardy this cautious approach is advisable. You can also plant maple in pots. This gives you the opportunity to react to the impending late frost and to safely shelter the small maple tree.

When is the best time to grow maple from seed?

You can maple in the spring raise. This gives you the opportunity to transplant the young plants at the appropriate time after they have been raised. If you have a conservatory or want to keep the maple indoors as a bonsai, you can also grow maples from seed all year round.


Choose the right variety to grow!

There are far more species of maple than you may know. The garden trade offers you seeds of many different kinds sorts with very different characteristics and properties. Choose the one that suits you best before growing your maple from seed.