Are the pears edible?

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My pear tree has pear grating, what do I do with the fruit?

Usually only the leaves of the pear tree are affected by the infection. Only in the case of severe infestation do the fruits also show deformation and fall off before they are fully ripe. You can still use these pears eat without hesitation, however do not store for too long.

Does pear rust damage the fruit of the pear tree?

Infection with the fungus Gymnosporangium sabinae, responsible for pear grating responsible begins in the spring and lasts until the fall. The infestation consequently accompanies the pollination of the flowers and the overall development of the fruit. So the assumption is obvious that it also damages the fruit. But the typical damage picture shows that almost always only the leaves are infected. Only when the infestation is very severe, the fruits are also affected. Their development is inhibited, they show unsightly deformations and fall off a little before their time. But they are actually still useful.

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  • pear-tree-leaves-red-dots
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Can I also process and store the fruit?

If the pear fruits fall off before they are fully ripe in the event of a severe infestation, they cannot remain fresh for as long as they would otherwise, even under ideal storage conditions. If you can't eat them all fresh in a timely manner, the fruits can also be boiled down, frozen or otherwise processed.

How can I prevent pear rust from affecting fruit?

You can use the fruit do not protect separately. Also the infestation of the foliage can not be effectively fight, if not at the same time the intermediate host juniper can be found and removed. Because it can also take root in the neighboring garden or up to 1 km away. However, you can try to take care of the pear tree in the best possible way and plant it with a plant strengthener, for example field horsetail broth, to make it more resistant. Then he survives the infection unscathed.

Are there pear varieties that are resistant to pear rust?

There is none pear varieties, which are perfectly safe from pear grating. But there are varieties for that less vulnerable are. This includes:

  • 'Benita'
  • 'Colorful July'
  • 'Clapp's Darling'
  • 'condo'
  • 'Double Phillips'
  • 'Early of Trevoux'
  • 'Gellert's Butter Pear'
  • 'Countess of Paris'
  • 'Good Louise'
  • 'nashi'


Red dots on pear tree leaves represent a different disease!

Pear rust causes orange uneven spots on the leaves. However, should Red dots are visible on the upper and lower sides of the leaves, you are probably dealing with the pest pear pox mite. It, too, only has to be combated in the event of a severe infestation.