The most beautiful colors for your garden style

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What colors are begonias in?

Begonias are included white, red, pink and orange flowers and attractive leaf pattern. Choose the variety that suits your color taste. With the Begonia burkillii "Dark Form" you also have an unusual begonia with bluish iridescent leaves at your disposal.

The royal begonia (Begonia rex) and the Begonia x tuberhybrida give you a gorgeous red color. The strong coloring has helped these varieties to become very popular. The beautiful red will give you much joy during the long flowering period of the Begoniaceae. The royal begonia even promises you red leaves.

Of the ice begonia there are beautiful variants with a pristine white color. In addition to the Ice Begonia (Begonia semperflorens), the Begonia Grandiflora also offers you a good choice. The large flowers quickly draw attention to themselves. This begonia variety is also suitable for keeping in balcony boxes. The Care of the ice begonia is not difficult.

The Begonia pendula offers many variants with a yellow color. This

begonia variety are available in different colors. So you can make a targeted choice according to your own taste. In addition to the Begonia Pendula, there are also yellow variants of the Begonia tuberhybrida, for example.

The trout begonia (Begonia maculata) offers you delicate flowers and a striking leaf pattern. The bright dots on the green leaf surface are reminiscent of the pattern on trout skin. The name of the trout begonia derives from this similarity. The underside of the leaves of this begonia variety also promises a beautiful colour.


Choose the right location and fertilize regularly

It's best to choose one suitable location in the penumbra and fertilize Spray the begonias with a liquid balcony flower fertilizer every two weeks during the warmer part of the year. In this way you ensure that many flowers grow on the plant and that they have a beautiful color scheme.