Climbing zucchini: Tie the zucchini up to a climbing aid

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Growing climbing zucchini - title

table of contents

  • Climbing zucchini
  • Suitable varieties
  • instructions
  • Suitable climbing aids
  • frequently asked Questions

Zucchini taste good fried, grilled, boiled or raw. They are rich in vitamins and low in calories, a real favorite vegetable! The cultivation is straightforward. Climbing zucchini are the solution in small gardens. Read our guide for growing zucchini on trellises.

In a nutshell

  • Zucchini on the bottom spread strongly
  • Climbing zucchini suitable as a space-saving alternative
  • Plant sticks or grids are required as a climbing aid
  • Zucchini plants have no tendrils or roots
  • Tie down necessary

Climbing zucchini

The zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) belongs to the cucurbit family. It consists of a sturdy stem with large leaves, decorative flowers and many fruits. The plants grow very quickly. New flowers and fruits form regularly. The plants feel good in a sunny to partially shaded location with a nutrient-rich, well-drained substrate. If you want, you can plant them directly on top of the compost.
Zucchini are not typical climbing plants, they do not grow without help. With a little support, they grow superbly on trellises, trellises and planting sticks. The advantages are apparent. When climbing on a trellis, the zucchini takes up much less space. The fruits can be harvested without straining your back and rottenness on damp ground is prevented. The plants with the large yellow flowers look very decorative on trellises and trellises.

Zucchini can be grown to save space with the help of climbing supports
You can use climbing aids to grow climbing zucchinis

Suitable varieties

Almost any variety can be grown as a climbing zucchini with a little help. Variants with small, insensitive fruits and stable stems are suitable.
We have selected three high-yield climbers for you:


  • popular variety with an aromatic taste
  • Bucket culture possible
  • Harvest time: June to October
  • Height: 1 to 2 meters
  • Fruits: 15 to 25 centimeters long, light green
  • Harvest time: June to October

Black Forrest

  • excellent as a climbing zucchini
  • Bucket culture possible
  • Height: 1 to 2 meters
  • Fruits: 10 to 20 centimeters long, dark green
  • large yellow flowers
  • Harvest time: July to October
  • very productive


  • suitable for cultivation on the plant stick
  • Bucket culture possible
  • Height: 1.5 to 2 meters
  • resistant to pests and diseases
  • Fruits: 15 to 25 centimeters, dark green, crisp
  • attractive yellow flowers
  • Harvest time: July to October
  • very productive
Zucchini - Cucurbita pepo


  1. Sow You zucchini seeds from mid-March in seed pots with loose seed compost.
  2. Put the pots on the Windowsill.
  3. hold the Earth damp.
  4. The optimal germination temperature is 18 to 25 degrees Celsius.
  5. Prick out The little plants after four weeks. Put one plant in each pot.
  6. Set the young plants from mid-May on sunny days into the opento carefully accustom them to the field.
  7. plants The zucchini plants in late May distance of at least 80 centimeters outdoors with a plant stick or individually in tubs.
  8. Tie The plants on the plant stick firm when they are 8 to 12 inches tall.
  9. Attach The plants of each after 20 to 30 centimeters Another increase in the climbing aid.

Note: Pick the zucchini fruits just before they are ripe. the regular harvest stimulates the formation of new flowers and fruits.

Suitable climbing aids

Plant sticks

  • available in different lengths made of wood, plastic or metal
  • very easy to use
  • are pounded into the ground next to the plant

Wire mesh

  • inexpensive and flexible to use
  • prefer stable variants

Note: Be careful not to injure the plant when tying it up.


  • Can be used flexibly in connection with fixed fences or pillars
  • three ropes per plant recommended
  • Fixed anchoring in the ground required


Build trellis out of bamboo
  • A large selection of trellises for climbing vegetables is available
  • can be built from wood and designed flexibly

Tip: Simply use a ladder as a climbing aid for your zucchini.

frequently asked Questions

Which materials are suitable for tying up the shoots?

You can attach the zucchini shoots to the climbing aid with thicker string. Tomato clamps also give a good hold. Cut strips out of plastic netting used to wrap vegetables. The strips are weatherproof, stable and easily stretchable. They prevent the stem from constricting when tied up.

Why does the climbing zucchini not bear fruit?

Zucchini plants produce female and male flowers. To ensure good pollination, we recommend planting at least two plants. Heavy consumers need a sunny location, a nutrient-rich substrate and a reliable water supply.

Can the weight of the zucchini fruit break off the shoots?

If you want to cultivate a zucchini plant by climbing, you should choose varieties with small fruits. Large fruits could be too heavy for the plant.

Which pot size is recommended for pail culture?

A bucket with a capacity of 40 liters should be used for a zucchini plant. This gives the fast-growing plant enough support and enables it to be supplied with nutrients in the first few weeks. Pay attention to regular fertilization and water supply.

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