The apple tree is bleeding: cause and remedy

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Why is my apple tree bleeding?

after one pruning it can happen that the apple tree bleeds a little. Another cause is the so-called gum flow, the due to damage to the bark can be triggered and intensified by invading fungi or bacteria. This condition needs to be treated as soon as possible.

Why does the apple tree secrete sap after pruning?

Usually for this the supply system of the apple tree, which conducts soil water from the roots to the leaves (xylem), responsible. While the sieve cells (phloem) located directly under the bark, which transport assimilate take over, almost always close by themselves, this is not the case with the water-conducting vessels of the xylem so.

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Due to the root pressure, water and nutrients usually flow out of the freshly cut wound for some time. However, this does not cause any lasting damage to the apple trees.

What does gum flow bleeding look like?

Gum flow, which can also affect apple trees, manifests itself as

soft, clot-forming discharge, sticking tenaciously to the bark. The tree becomes infected as early as autumn.

The causative pathogen Pseudomonas gets inside the wood through bark injuries such as frost cracks or wound cuts. The causative bacteria and Mushrooms next to the apple tree primarily affects stone fruit trees, by the wind.

How do I recognize gum flow on the apple tree?

Bacterial burn, as the rubber flow is also called, is caused by the very significant damage clearly identifiable even for the layman:

  • The bark cracks, sinks in and turns dark.
  • The tree secretes a sticky liquid that is colored like the resin of conifers.
  • In the further course, the bark peels off.
  • With rubber flow as a result of Monilia peak drought bleeding occurs at the border to healthy wood.

How to help a bleeding apple tree

If the bleeding occurs through a clean pruning on, you usually have to no countermeasures seize. At gum flow you should all Remove diseased plant parts:

  • To prevent further spread, the cutting tool should be thoroughly disinfected.
  • Also leave one soil analysis make. Since trees suffering from a lack of nutrients are predominantly affected, you can plant the apple tree according to your needs after the evaluation fertilize.


Apple tree sheds large pieces of bark

Depending on the variety, apple trees tend to shed large pieces of bark as they age. Unless you find any traces of gum flow or vermin, it's nothing to worry about. If you discover small cracks in the bark, you can treat them with a wound sealant to protect them from penetrating pathogens.