Strengthen and care for basil properly

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What does basil need to become strong?

In order for young plants to develop well, the right conditions prevail. In addition to the right location, this includes the use of nutrient-rich herbal soil as well as correct watering behavior and regular fertilization.

How to properly care for basil so that it grows strong?

Note the following care tips to strengthen basil:

  1. basil ** into a suitable oneherbal soil **plant
  2. placement at one sunny to semi-shady Location without extreme midday heat
  3. Pour always from below so that the leaves do not get wet (then fungi can form or the leaves get sunburned)
  4. Basil in the pot can be used very well for watering water provided when the excess is poured off
  5. ventilation through it removing old leaves to guarantee
  6. avoidance of strong Rain

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  • Basil wilts
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Why does basil break down so quickly?

If basilthat was bought in the supermarket in a small potty, enters, this is usually because it pulled up too fast became. In addition, the pot is usually much too narrow

not enough space for the roots. In addition, there is little light and water and temperatures that may be too low during transport. All this leads to the fact that after the purchase, basil is essential repotted and needs to be strengthened with proper care.

Can I strengthen basil with fertilizer?

basil becomes all the stronger, the better it is supplied with nutrients, especially nitrogen. A regular fertilization in the growth phase is definitely recommended. You can use an organic liquid fertilizer that is added to the irrigation water. Alternatively, this also works for outdoor basil in a bed or in a bucket Fertilize with compost or even with diluted urine.

What does basil not like at all?

Basil is quite a sensitive plant that doesn't like it when its needs not met become. So if you put basil on the dark worktop in the kitchen or the plant at less than 15 °C in the Garden cultivates need not worry about weak basil that does not grow or die quickly wonder. Too little water or waterlogging are also counterproductive if basil is to grow into a strong plant.

Do strong basil plants survive the winter?

Apart from that (with the exception of hardy shrub basil) basil for hibernate always has to be brought indoors, even with really strong plants possible that they will not survive the winter. If the plants, which are actually annuals, do not get enough light, there is no realistic chance of getting them through the cold season.


Avoid harvesting too much

In order for the basil to remain strong, not too many leaves should be harvested at once. Don't pluck it, it's better to cut off the shoot tips above the leaf axils!

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