Ginkgo biloba for dogs with dementia

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Can ginkgo biloba help dementia in dogs?

Ginkgo biloba can be used in dogs with dementia to relieve symptoms such as forgetfulness, restlessness and anxiety. Special ginkgo extracts with a dosage of 4mg per kilogram of body weight can be administered regularly through feeding.

Can Ginkgo biloba be used against dementia in dogs?

Especially in the Scroll of the ginkgo are said to contain the substances that cause dementia Dog could alleviate. These contain

  • flavonoids
  • Bilobalide
  • ginkgolides
  • terpenes

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and other ingredients that dilute blood, inhibit its coagulation and thus improve its flow properties. Since the blood flows better, researchers suspect that the blood flow in the brain as well as the improved memory performance. This is why ginkgo is traditionally used in Chinese folk medicine, TCM in circulatory disorders – also for dizziness, tinnitus etc. – used. Whether this assumption is actually correct cannot be said with certainty. Various scientific studies have come to very different conclusions in this regard.

How do you use ginkgo biloba against dementia in dogs?

Based on studies that show a significant alleviation or slowing down - a cure is not possible - of dementia in dogs (eg. B. "Reduction of behavioral disturbances in elderly dogs supplemented with a standardized Ginkgo leaf extract", published 2006), then the following can be stated:

  • only concentrated ginkgo extracts are effective
  • these must be given regularly and over a longer period of time
  • recommended dosage: 4 milligrams per kilogram of body weight

For example, the gift can about feeding take place. drying ginkgo leaves and making medicine from it is not recommended: the amount of active ingredient in the self-made dietary supplement would simply be too small.

When should you avoid ginkgo for dementia in dogs?

First of all: With the administration of medicines, which also include extracts of Ginkgo biloba belong, dementia symptoms in dogs can be like

  • mood swing
  • forgetfulness
  • confusion
  • uncleanliness
  • disorientation
  • wandering around
  • anxiety

only alleviate. The progression of the disease is slowed down but not stopped.

In addition, you should animal do not administer ginkgo if it prone to bleeding or. one blood clotting disorder exists or if it pregnant is. Always stop before using the medicinal plant on your own Consultation with your veterinarian.

What side effects can ginkgo have against dementia in dogs?

As with any medical treatment, side effects can of course also occur when giving Ginkgo biloba for dementia in dogs. Not uncommon side effects include:

  • Discomfort of the gastrointestinal tract
  • such as diarrhea or cramps
  • Appetite may increase
  • or reduce it (to the point of refusing food)
  • allergic reaction

Do you notice anything unusual about your dog? physical changes or. changes in behavior up, talk to your veterinarian about it and also mention the treatment with ginkgo biloba. Your veterinarian will then decide whether further treatment makes sense or whether it is better to discontinue it.


Further measures against dementia in dogs

Veterinarians also recommend the additional administration of vitamins, especially vitamins C, B and E, and omega-3 fatty acids to treat dementia in dogs. In addition, sick dogs should drink a lot. Mental support - for example by playing hide-and-seek during the daily walk - should not be neglected either.