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When and how to fell conifers?

Conifers may only be felled between October and the end of March, provided they are not covered by tree protection regulations. It is advisable to request professional help for larger trees or if you lack experience. The plants can then be disposed of in the compost or taken to the local shredder.

What are the reasons for felling a conifer?

is a tree sick, threatens to collapse or grows too close to neighboring property, precipitation must be considered. Even if conifers forbidden in the garden are or simply too large become and a pruning is no longer sufficient, a precipitation is appropriate.

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When can conifers be felled?

Like all other trees, conifers may only October to late March be felled. According to the Federal Nature Conservation Act, there is a ban on felling from March to September. The reason for this is species protection, especially during the breeding season of birds. But felling in winter is also advantageous for subsequent processing as firewood, since the conifers contain less water and dry faster during these months.

Which conifers must not be felled?

Generally allowed on private property conifers with one trunk circumference more than 80 centimeters measured at a height of one meter must not be felled. However, the federal states have their own state nature protection laws with specific regulations. Despite the Tree Protection Ordinance, exemptions are possible in individual cases.

Can I fell conifers myself?

In principle, you are allowed to fell on your property with the appropriate felling permit do it yourself. However, for larger trees or if you lack experience for safety reasons, it is recommended to seek professional help for felling. Experienced specialists know exactly when and how a tree is best felled and what needs to be considered. The right tool also plays a major role. Get advice from a specialist dealer before you fell a conifer yourself.

What challenges arise when felling conifers?

In addition to safe felling, the Removal of the root system a big challenge. This is very deep and strongly branched, especially in older conifers. Instead of laboriously digging up the roots, they can also be composted directly on site.

How are felled conifers disposed of correctly?

If you have removed individual conifers, you can plant on the compost let it rot. Please note, however, that the decomposition time is relatively long and there is a risk that the compost will become too acidic. You can prevent this by sawing the conifers into the smallest possible pieces and mixing them well with other cuttings.
For example, if you remove an entire thuja hedge, you will probably not be able to dispose of it completely on your compost. In this case you can take the plants to your local chipping yard.


Check with your municipality before felling

Since the regulations for tree felling are regulated individually in each municipality, no general statements can be made. For this reason, you should ask your district office and describe your specific case. This way you can be sure that you will not be fined later.