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What about the buds of hydrangeas to consider?

Some hydrangea species form their buds in summer for the coming year. This may make them more susceptible to frost in winter. This special feature should also be taken into account when pruning, so that the flower buds of the coming year are not removed in autumn.

When do hydrangeas bud?

Some hydrangea varieties, including the popular one peasant hydrangea, do not set their buds like other plants in the spring, but already in the Autumn of the previous year. If the temperatures are still quite warm in autumn, it can happen that the hydrangeas sprout shortly before winter. This makes them more sensitive to cold and frost.

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  • Panicle Hydrangea no flowers
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When do hydrangeas open their buds?

The buds of the hydrangea can already open depending on the weather very early open. By May at the latest, you can watch the flowers slowly opening up and then blooming throughout the summer from June.

When can I do if hydrangeas don't sprout in spring?

If your hydrangeas in spring

not cast out, that's probably on frost damage attributed. If the autumn was still very warm and budding has already begun, it is possible that the sensitive buds in winter frozen to death are. However, it is also possible that frost only followed the first warm days in spring, which can also cause frost damage.


Do not cut back peasant hydrangea in autumn

Since some hydrangeas, such as the farmer's hydrangea, already develop their buds in late summer, the Autumn the wrong time for the pruning. Cut Instead, pull these hydrangeas back in early spring by clipping the shoots above the fresh bud pairs.