Help, my daisy buds are drying up!

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What is behind drying up buds?

In most cases it should simply be a lack of water, sometimes a lack of nutrients. Other causes are waterlogging (rotten roots can neither transport water nor nutrients) or simply the weather. Without sun, buds will not develop into flowers.

Why are my daisy buds drying out?

There are different reasonwhy your daisies die hang their heads and the buds dry up. The main cause is usually water. Either she suffers daisy under water shortage or the soil is wet, root rot develops. The rotten roots are no longer able to feed the plant. In both cases, without your help, the daisy will die.
Another reason is the weather. The marguerite needs sufficient sun for lush flowering. In wet and cool weather, the buds suffer.

also read

  • daisy leaves
  • daisy diseases
  • Marguerite turns yellow
  • daisy trunk
  • repot daisies
  • daisies sun
  • Water daisies
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How do I save my dry daisy?

First you absolutely should the earth your marguerite check. If it is dry, give the plant plenty of water. An immersion bath is best, alternatively you can pour it extensively.
In wet soil, on the other hand, repotting or replacing the sodden soil helps. Be sure to remove any rotten root parts before you use the

Plant the marguerite again.
If the soil is fine, then cut out the dry buds, then place the plant in a sunny spot. Possibly give her a little liquid fertilizer. Then she should recover soon.

What can I do if my marguerite is damaged by frost?

How good your plant frost damage can survive is primarily of the kind the marguerite dependent. The meadow daisies, which also grow wild in this country, are hardy and generally tolerate frost quite well. Should individual parts of the plant freeze, then cut these off. The plant will soon sprout again and after a few weeks the marguerite will have completely recovered.
This is different with the Bornholm daisy, for example. It is only distantly related to the meadow daisy and is one of the non-hardy varieties species and should be protected from frost.


Help the daisy to bloom again

When the flowers wilt, it's time to clean them out. The dried flowers are pinched or cut off to allow new buds to form. This extends the flowering period of the plants. It also makes sense to clean out dried buds so that the marguerite can recover quickly and be in full bloom again soon.

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