A good choice for the bee friendly garden

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How bee friendly is the Bergenia?

Bergenia are extremely bee friendly. The easy-care perennial supplies many useful insects with nectar. Accordingly, the beautiful flower quickly becomes the focal point of honey bees, wild bees, bumblebees and butterflies. The animals get their food from the flowers of the plant.

When do bergenias offer bee-friendly planting?

Most Bergenia are already blooming from April and often bear another bloom in autumn. The perennial covers a fairly long period of the year with its flowering period. Even without your intervention, the Bergenia countless bees during this time with its many blossoms. You can also mix Bergenia with other bee-friendly plants combine. In this way you ensure a varied planted bee-friendly location. For example, these plants go well with bergenia:

  • Small masterworts (Astrantia minor)
  • Giant Starworts (Astrantia maxima)
  • peach leafy bluebell (Campanula persicifolia)

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Which locations can I plant in a bee-friendly way?

Bergenia can be extremely use versatile, if you want to make locations bee-friendly. The perennial is not particularly demanding and grows in the sun as in penumbra. Even shady Locations you can plant with it. Here, however, bergenia produce significantly fewer flowers. This has an effect on the forage value, since the perennial with fewer flowers is also not as bee-friendly. If your focus is on caring for bees, use lighter ones Location for the Bergenia choose.

Which Bergenia offers bees a second flower?

It's best to opt for the Bergenia "Autumn Blossom". In this case it is a hybrid. Basically, although you have with so many Bergenia variety good chance of reblooming. With this species, however, you can count on a second flowering in autumn with particular reliability. The variety with the many small flowers can also be used as a bee-friendly ground cover.

Can I use Bergenia to make rock gardens bee-friendly?

Bergenia are quite suitable for ecological improvement of rock gardens. Basically, a rock garden often does not offer a particularly good supply for insects. If you add a few plants with nutritious flowers to this at least, this type of garden can at least become a little more bee-friendly. Bergenia, which belongs to the saxifrage family, is a good choice. Since the Bergenia care is not particularly heavy, the plant fits even in a sparsely tended rock garden.


Fertilize monthly

You can also achieve good flowering by monthly Fertilize support the Bergenia. To do this, spread plant manure or compost at the site once a month between March and August. The perennial is not dependent on this measure. However, she will reward it with nutritious buds, proving particularly bee-friendly.