The roots of the azalea

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How to properly care for the azalea roots?

Azaleas are shallow-rooted, with fine roots running close to the surface of the earth. For healthy roots you should always keep the soil moist, avoid waterlogging, regularly fertilize and ideally use low-lime water or rainwater for watering.

How do azaleas root?

Azaleas are closely related to rhododendrons. There are breeds as Garden– or room azalea. They are shallow roots, that is, their fine roots run almost horizontally to the earth's surface. For this reason, the root balls also react more sensitively to external circumstances such as particularly pronounced dryness or persistent wetness. Outside stand Azaleas like partial shade with a protective layer mulch.(€27.00 at Amazon*) High humidity is recommended in apartments.

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How do you care for the azalea roots for healthy growth?

Azaleas originally come from moist mountain forests and love moist soil. Therefore, make sure that the soil of the plant, regardless of whether it is an indoor or garden azalea,

always wet to keep and water as needed. However, also regularly check your plant for waterlogging as this is bad for azalea roots. With prolonged wetness, the roots easily rot, which can cause major, sometimes irreparable damage to the plant. In addition, you should fertilize your plant regularly to ensure a balanced nutrient balance.

What Problems Can Damage Azalea Roots?

With insufficient care, azalea roots can have the following problems:

  • dehydration: If the plant is not watered enough, the roots can dry up and the plant will die. Treat her to a dip in rainwater.
  • Waterlogging: Stands the azalea permanently in water, the roots rot. Remove them immediately and change the soil.
  • Nutrient Deficiency: Prevent this with regular Fertilize before. Use rainwater.
  • pests and Diseases: Always take care of your azaleas, healthy plants are hardy plants.

How do you encourage rooting in azalea cuttings?

Cut for that cutting formation eight centimeter long, young shoots from the mother plant. Remove the lower leaves and cut the stem at the bottom. Now put the prepared cuttings in a pot with always moist azalea soil. To promote root growth should no buds on the cutting be. Trim the leaves, so that these do not continue to grow and the plant puts its energy into root formation. After about twelve weeks, sufficient roots will develop.


Azaleas love rainwater and can get sick from hardy water.

To avoid chlorosis (lack of chlorophyll), azaleas should be watered with water that is as low in lime as possible. If the plant gets too much lime, the roots cannot absorb enough nutrients from the soil. As a result, the plant is undersupplied and cannot carry out vital photosynthesis. So that your azalea can produce enough chlorophyll, you should ideally water it with rainwater or lime-free tap water.

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