Shoot dieback on apple trees: causes and remedies

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Why do the shoots of the apple tree die?

For this, plant diseases such as the dangerous fire blight or the Monilia peak drought to be responsible. But also the different ones aphid species cause such damage through their suction activity. Drought puts the tree under stress and can also lead to the death of the shoots.

Is fire blight a possible cause of dieback?

Fire blight caused by the bacterium Erwinia amylovora is one of the most serious illnesses, the the apple tree can infest. Shortly after infection, which usually occurs in late spring, the young shoots wither and characteristically curve downwards in a U-shape.

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The bark of affected areas sinks in and looks damp. In dry weather, even old branches can die within a few days. They turn brownish-black and appear burnt.

Fire blight can only be fought in the early stages and must be reported.

How is the Monilia peak drought manifested?

If the apple tree is affected by this disease, diethrough those about the blossoms into the fabric

penetrated fungal spores first the annual shoots away. Whole clusters of flowers begin to dry up, the leaves hang limp on the apple tree and dry up. This disease occurs more frequently in warm, humid weather.

As an immediate measure, it is advisable to cut back all affected branches deep into the healthy wood. Dispose of the clippings with the household waste so that the pathogens cannot spread further.

Why do the shoots die off when infested with aphids?

apple aphids pierce the pathways of the apple tree leaves with their trunks and suck the sap. In addition, the pests lay their eggs directly in the shoot tips, so that the young shoots wither and die. It comes to premature leaf shedding and damage to the fruit.

Natural predators such as:

  • ladybug,
  • lacewings,
  • hoverflies,
  • birds

keep aphids at bay.

To protect the beneficial insects, you should refrain from using insecticides and, to contain the plague, cut off heavily infested shoots and dispose of them in the household waste.

Can drought lead to dieback in apple trees?

To reduce the transpiration surface throw Apple trees that suffer from drought for a long time, their leaves and even whole exorcise. Young fruit trees that are not yet well rooted are very susceptible to this.

You can avoid drought damage by protecting the woody plant Water sufficiently at the first sign of drought stress.


Prevent shoot dieback from diseases and pests

A healthy apple tree falls ill less often and can defend itself well against pest infestation. It is therefore important to keep the fruit trees in balance fertilize. Regular pruning also has a preventive effect, as fungal spores that overwinter on the tree and the eggs of pests are at least partially removed. The air can circulate better again through the loose crown structure, which also effectively prevents fungal diseases.

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