Control pests in the tree trunk

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How can pests in the Tree trunk be fought?
To combat pests in the tree trunk, you can use a sprouting spray with a spray containing rapeseed oil in the mouse ear stage. In apple trees, glue rings, corrugated cardboard, caterpillar glue and natural predators are such parasitic wasps(€19.00 at Amazon*) helpful against frost moth, codling moth and apple blossom cutter.

How can I fight pests in the tree trunk?

With a sprouting spray fight most pests that a Tree trunk infested. Sprays containing rapeseed oil destroy the eggs and larvae that overwinter under the bark. The point in time is just as important as the application technique. How to do it right:

  • The best time is in mouse ear stage, when the first leaf tips push out of the swollen buds.
  • Brush loose pieces of bark off the tree trunk.
  • Spray the tree trunk, branches and twigs with the spray until dripping wet.
  • Result: The oil film prevents gas exchange on eggs and closes the breathing openings on larvae or caterpillars.

also read

  • fruit tree pests
  • apple-tree-beetle-in-the-trunk
  • Spray apple tree
  • Apple Tree Pests
  • trunk diseases
  • spraying fruit trees
  • tree disease
  • tree fungus
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How can I control pests in the apple tree trunk?

You can effectively combat pest infestation in the trunk of an apple tree glue rings, corrugated cardboard, caterpillar glue and natural predators. With these means you destroy common pests, such as frost moth, codling moth and apple blossom weevil also on pears, plums or cherries:

  • Attach the glue ring to the tree trunk at a height of 50 cm in September.
  • Wrap corrugated cardboard in 10 cm strips around the tree trunk and branches from the end of May to the end of June and destroy it weekly along with the pests that have accumulated underneath.
  • Mix the caterpillar glue yourself and spread it at a trunk height of 50-80 cm from September.
  • parasitic wasps as predators in spring in the treetop put in position.


Fungal pests - the invisible danger

Fungal infestation on the trunk always indicates a serious one tree disease there. Beneath the inconspicuous fruiting bodies on the bark, gigantic organisms branch out throughout the tree trunk. Wood-decomposing fungi eat up trees from the inside and massively impair their stability. These include dreaded fungal pests such as Sulfur Porling (Laetiporus sulphureus) and Ox Tongue (Fistulina hepatica), which cause brown rot. White rot-causing fungal pests are fire agaric (Phellinus igniarius) and tinder agaric (Fomes).