Basil always comes in

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Why does basil always die?

That Basil in the pot usually dies after a few days is because the plants pulled up very quickly and do not have enough time to get strong. In addition, the Pots way too small – Rot can develop.

What is the best way to keep basil in a pot?

If you want to be able to enjoy the plants you have bought for more than just a few days, please note the following:

  1. The kitchen herb needs Place: To do this, divide the plant into three parts and then place each in its own pot plant.
  2. needs basil Light – a sunny one Location is important.
  3. needs basil nutrient. The soil from the supermarket does not meet these requirements and a special one should be used when repotting or dividing herbal soil be used.

also read

  • basil lifetime
  • strengthen basil
  • Repot basil
  • Basil wilts
  • basil-frozen
  • put-basilic-in-water
  • basil outside
  • basil care
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Does irrigation contribute to a longer shelf life?

If purchased basil has been divided so that the pot volume is now sufficient and transplanted into nutrient-rich soil, the irrigation plays an important role, so that the plant does not die. The hanging of the leaves can also be related to the wrong amount of water. Be sure to

  1. basil always from below to pour
  2. waterlogging and resulting rot necessarily to avoid
  3. Drain off excess water when the root ball is sufficiently soaked. A bowl can be placed under the planter.

How Should You Harvest Basil for Longer Life?

Also the wrong harvesting of the des care-intensive Basil can help prevent it from staying alive for long. Instead of picking off the leaves individually, you should whole shootscut off.

Can broken basil be saved?

If the whole plant has died and lets the leaves droop, that's it hardly possibleto bring them back to life. Especially when the soil is very wet, any rescue attempt is doomed to failure - the roots are then rotted.
Since the leaves still taste okay, they can be harvested and dried become.

Is the shelf life of pot basil intentionally limited?

Basil is a coveted herb and is cultivated as quickly as possible in large nurseries. An intentional limitation of durability is nonetheless probably ruled out. The fact is, however, that basil does not have enough time to develop into resilient plants develop – mostly young specimens come on the market, those with a lot of light and nutrients were pulled up. Transport with little water and light and possibly cold contributes to rapid dying.


Location is key

Basil loves it warm and extremely light! While it usually thrives on a windowsill when repotted and properly watered, a dark location is often its death sentence. If you put it on the kitchen counter, it may already be too dark and the basil will start to wilt.

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