How to save your azalea from frost damage

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What to do with frost damage to the azalea?

Frost damage to azaleas shows up as brownish-black branches, dried leaf tips, and dead shoots. To save the plant, you should remove affected parts with sharp pruning shears, cut back to the living part of the plant and die azalea take to winter quarters.

Which azaleas need protection from frost damage?

Most garden azaleas are adapted to the conditions of European winters and tolerate high temperatures up to -25 degrees Celsius. Deciduous azaleas, which lose their leaves in autumn, are more resistant than their evergreen relatives. But also, for example, the Japanese Garden Azalea is relatively insensitive to frost.
indoor azaleaswho are allowed to spend the summer on the balcony or terrace, must however must be brought in before the first frost, so that they are not damaged by the cold temperatures.

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  • azalea hardy
  • azalea-overwinter
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How do I recognize frost damage on the azalea?

The best time to recognize frost damage is in spring, when the plant is about to sprout again. Are the

twigs brownish black and work dried up this may indicate frost damage. Another indication is dried leaf tips or whole leavesand dead, young shoots. To check if your plant is damaged, carefully scratch the bark a little. If it is lush green underneath, the branch is intact.
Attention: Rolled up leaves are not a sign of frost damage but a natural protection against plants and regulate themselves again.

How do I save the azalea after frost damage?

If you have found frost damage, you should carefully remove the affected parts of the garden azalea with sharp and clean pruning shears. For that you should first until wait for new sprouting, in order to be able to clearly identify which parts are irreparably damaged. Cut up to again living plant part back.
Do you have yours? potted azalea left out too long, retrieve the plant immediately into the house to winter quarters. Only cut them back in the spring when you see damage to the new shoots.

How do I prevent frost damage to the azalea?

Azaleas in pots or tubs you should in time to sheltered winter quarters bring. implanted garden azaleas should be hardy. Strengthen again before the frost with an autumn fertilizer. Deciduous azaleas tolerate more cold and normally do not need any further protection. Evergreen azaleas can on warm winter days lose too much water through evaporation via the leaves and should then too be cast.
One thick layer of mulch keeps the floor warm.


What a sheltered winter quarters for frost-sensitive azaleas looks like

Even before the first frost, azaleas that are sensitive to cold must move to a protected place in the bucket or pot. This should be cool, bright and not exposed to direct sunlight. Temperatures between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius are optimal. You should also avoid cold drafts and warm heating air to prevent the plant from drying out. A sheltered spot in the stairwell or hallway, for example, is ideal.

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