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Is aloe vera suitable for the bedroom?

Is the bedroom suitable for aloe vera? The bedroom can be suitable for aloe vera if there is enough light and temperatures between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius. However, it only makes a minimal contribution to improving air quality; regular ventilation is more effective.

Is the bedroom a good spot for the aloe vera?

Whether the bedroom is a suitable location for aloe vera is up to you there prevailing conditions. So needs the easy-care aloe vera a bright and warm spot. Your comfort level is between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius. For hibernation, the temperature should be between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius. Given these needs, if the bedroom is bright, it can be used as a maximum winter quarters serve for the houseplant.

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Does aloe vera improve the air in the bedroom?

Basically seen improved the aloe vera the Air in the bedroom, because it carries out photosynthesis during the day. This chemical process produces oxygen as a waste product, which the houseplant releases into the air.

However, it is questionable whether the oxygen release has a decisive effect on air quality. Therefore, it is more effective to regularly air the bedroom to improve the air.

Are there alternatives to aloe vera in the bedroom?

All come as alternatives to aloe vera in the bedroom Plant in question, with those prevailing there cope with conditions. Therefore, you should look for houseplants that are suitable for a cool and dark location. To the typical plants in the bedroom include, for example, spider plant or A leaf.


Bedroom plants are not in competition for oxygen

Although plants release oxygen into the air, they also need it to survive. Therefore, often before plants in the bedroom warned, as these take away oxygen from humans. However, this idea should be rejected.