Indian runner duck: characteristics & way of life

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table of contents

  • Characteristics
  • way of life
  • Great urge to move
  • Very important: water
  • frequently asked Questions

The Indian runner duck, also known colloquially as bottle duck, comes from Southeast Asia and was also kept here in Western Europe from around 1850. Although it hardly provides any meat, it is an excellent egg producer. Their way of life is based on a life in small groups with a drake and several female ducks.

In a nutshell

  • very limited flight ability and usually actually move by running
  • very freedom-loving and extremely keen to move
  • Waterfowl that are closely related to the mallard
  • mostly bred for their eggs
  • because of their love for nudibranchs, they are also a great pest killer in the garden


  • Name: Indian running duck or bottle duck
  • Size resp. Weight: 2.3 kg (drake), 2.0 kg (female duck)
  • Plumage: brown to colorful, drakes often very colorful
  • Origin: Southeast Asia
  • Type of use: laying breed, snail eater in the garden
  • Number of eggs: approx. 200 in the first year, approx. 150 in the second year
  • Egg weight: 50 to 75 grams
  • Eggshell color: brown
  • Brood instinct: very pronounced
  • Uncomplicated and beginner-friendly

way of life

Runner ducks are easy to keep in your own garden. They are extremely humble and uncomplicated in their way of life. Even beginners should therefore get along well with the animals. In the garden, however, there should be a small pond for the water birds. For the night they also need a lockable stable to protect them from their predators Fox and protect martens. Running ducks should never be kept alone, but preferably in small groups consisting of a drake and three to four ducks. Under certain circumstances, however, it is also possible to keep them in pairs.

Great urge to move

Running ducks are lively animals that have a great urge to move around and usually run around the whole day. The garden should therefore have a certain size so that the ducks can let off steam. Around the garden there should be a fence with a height of 80 cm to one meter so that the waterfowl cannot escape. Ornamental plants and the vegetable garden should also be fenced off. In summer you can largely leave the animals to their own devices. They look for their food in the garden and mainly use grass, worms, nudibranchs, beetles and seeds. In autumn and winter, however, you have to feed them. A special mix of grains for ducks from specialist retailers is recommended here.

Indian runner ducks with fence
Source: Fiver, the clairvoyant, Indian runner ducks (2), edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0

Very important: water

Running ducks are known to be water birds. That is why they absolutely need a pond in which they can bathe and clean their plumage in order to be as species-appropriate as possible. A larger bowl of water should always be available for drinking.

frequently asked Questions

Can ducks stay outside in winter?

Yes, the animals have an enzyme in their blood that ensures that their circulation remains fluid up to a temperature of at least minus 15 degrees Celsius.

Is the Indian runner duck edible?

Yes, some even claim their meat is a delicacy. However, the animals should be slaughtered as young as possible so that their meat contains as few tendons as possible. Besides, there isn't much to a duck like that. In particular, the chest and thighs are barely pronounced.

Are ducks tame?

Running ducks are basically wild animals that do not become really tame even when kept in the garden. However, you can get them to eat out of your hand and, under certain circumstances, let yourself be touched. The right delicacies, especially nudibranchs, make it possible. However, they will retain a certain basic skepticism towards people their entire life.

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