Tree diseases on the maple bark

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Which tree diseases can be identified on the maple bark?

Black spots on the maple bark indicate sooty bark disease, red pustules indicative of red pustular disease and wrinkles indicative of dryness or wilt disease. Treatments include removing infested parts, applying wound sealants, or checking the soil for moisture.

What do black spots on maple bark mean?

A dark, sooty fungus coating as well as a possible slime flow spot on the bark of the maple point to the sooty bark disease there. In this case, it is an infestation with fungal spores. The tree disease mainly attacks sycamore maple, sometimes also Norway maple and field maple. It typically occurs in the hot summer months. In this case, it is best to hire a professional. Since the spores can cause allergic reactions and inflammation of the air sacs in the lungs, you should only approach the spore store wearing professional protective equipment.

also read

  • sooty bark disease
  • sycamore diseases
  • maple diseases
  • maple fungus
  • Norway maple diseases
  • ash maple diseases
  • Norway maple disease strain
  • maple fungus
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Why does the maple have red pustules on the bark?

Pin-sized red dots on the bark of the maple point to the

red pustular disease there. The distinctive color causes you to love this tree disease recognize quickly. It is also caused by a fungus working its way through the tree. If left unchecked, this tree disease will result in cancerous growths on the maple trunk. As a rule, this fungus affects the maple only in the case of care errors or certain problems with the location. How to treat the tree:

  • Cut out affected parts generously.
  • Apply wound sealant.

Why does the maple bark become wrinkled?

A wrinkled bark can appear dryness indicate or harbinger of the dreaded wilt disease be. When wilting, the branches initially sprout completely normally. Then the leaves wilt and parts of the plant dry up for no apparent reason. By checking the moisture in the soil, you can determine if the maple might simply be suffering from drought rather than a tree disease. Lack of water and drought stress can also affect maple bark.


Choose the right location for the maple species

When planting, choose one that is as suitable as possible Location for the respective maple variety out of. If all the needs of the tree are well taken care of, the tree will not catch a tree disease as quickly.