Birnbaum no longer wants to grow

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Why doesn't a pear tree grow?

The pear tree may be in an unfavorable position Location or is not properly maintained. Also diseases and pests can weaken the tree and thereby disrupt its growth. Some pear trees no longer grow because they have been grafted on weak rootstocks.

Which location does not suit the pear tree?

The pear tree loves warmth and therefore does not want to stand in a cold, shady place. However, proximity to a house wall can also harm it if it emits too much heat in summer and it therefore has to evaporate a lot of water. The earth must not be compacted so that water can drain away. It should be deep, fresh and nutritious, but not excessively chalky. Does the Pear tree in the bucket, this must not be too tight, so that the root unfold and take care of the rest of the tree.

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  • Plant a pear tree
  • Transplant pear tree
  • Pear tree plant location
  • pear tree care
  • Fertilize pear tree
  • Pear tree in the bucket
  • Grow your own pear tree
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Which care mistake prevents growth?

When the pear tree at the planting and in the first few years no or only too little compost or gets nutrients, it cannot grow optimally. Later, a pear tree does not necessarily have to

be fertilized. A young, growing pear tree must not suffer from a lack of water. Until it has developed a strong root system, it needs to be watered more frequently. After that, especially in very hot, dry periods.

Which diseases cause growth disorders?

Basically everyone can Diseases and pests weaken a tree to such an extent that it no longer has the strength to continue growing. This is also due to the fact that the "energy supplier" leaves are often particularly affected. Check the tree regularly for animal visits and leaf changes from the moment they sprout yellow spots, Red dots, rust spots etc. Then you can take appropriate control measures in good time.

How Fast Should a Pear Tree Grow?

The different pear varieties grow at different speeds. A few examples of annual growth:

  • Williams Christmas pear: up to 0.5 m
  • Good Louise: up to 0.5 m
  • Clap's favorite: 0.3 to 0.4
  • Conference pear grows up to 0.4 m

The growth rate can also be affected by the weather.


Plant new pear trees in the fall

Give a young tree time for root growth by planting in the fall. Then, in the following spring, it can make a decent leap in growth.