Instructions for planting and care

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How does growing basil work in raised beds?

Either can basil transplanted from the pot become or you sow the seeds directly into the raised bed. on constant irrigation as well as placing the raised bed on a warm sunny day Location care must be taken to ensure that the basil thrives.

Is basil good for growing in raised beds?

Basil, also known as king's herb is ideally suitedto be grown in raised beds. Others too sorts than the “classic” Italian basil are suitable, for example red basil and lemon basil.
As Neighbors Vegetables such as cucumbers and zucchini as well as tomatoes are ideal in the raised bed - a mixed culture is definitely recommended so that the plants support each other.
Other herbs in the immediate vicinity can cause problems for the basil: savory, lemon balm, sage and thyme are not suitable.

also read

  • basil earth
  • basil outside
  • plant basil
  • basil care
  • harvest basil
  • BasilLocation
  • basil temperature
  • Repot basil
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How to grow basil in a raised bed

There are two ways to grow basil in a raised bed:

  1. Transfer young plants: basil that im Pot Bought or preferred at home, may at constant temperatures of at least 16 °C can be planted in the raised bed.
  2. Sow the seeds directly into the bed: The sowing the seed also works from mid-May, when the so-called ice saints are over. It should be noted that the plant light germinator is, so the seeds must not be covered by soil.

How to create a raised bed for basil

When creating a raised bed for basil, make sure that it is filled correctly. This requires different layers:

  1. small branches or twigs
  2. Green waste, alternatively leaves
  3. semi-mature compost
  4. high quality soil

For basil is herbal soil best suited as the top layer, because it is very nutritious and provides the plants with everything they need. The lower layers are important so that there is no waterlogging - the herb does not like this at all. However, it must be watered regularly.

Are there any advantages to growing basil in a raised bed?

The plants thrive much better in raised beds than in a pot because they have more space. A big advantage is also that the basil in the loft bed is good protected from snails is - if it is cultivated directly outdoors, an infestation with the pests is almost inevitable.
In addition, if basil is grown together with tomatoes and other vegetables in raised beds, its intense smell is a good help for these plants in repelling pests.


Always harvest plentifully and correctly

The more stems that are cut off the basil, the better the plant will branch out. This will make her bushier and as a result even more can be harvested. It is essential to avoid plucking individual leaves – otherwise no new shoots can form.