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What is the lifespan of hydrangeas?

hydrangeas can with good care several decades old become. Even an age of 100 years is not uncommon. With regular fertilizer application, a semi-shady location, appropriate watering behavior and pruning as required, you can ideally support your hydrangeas well into old age.

What is the lifespan of hydrangeas?

Although hydrangeas are not native here, but rather come from Asia, they are also very popular in our gardens long-lived shrubs. With good care, they can last for decades old become. If they are adequately protected in winter, they will sprout again every spring and shine in all their blooms. The shoots lignify and are therefore particularly good before the freezing protected. Depending on the variety, hydrangeas can grow up to three meters high and grow an average of 20 to 30 centimeters a year.

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How long do hydrangeas last in pots?

Even when planting in Pot is the hydrangea perennial. Pay particular attention to a substrate that is as acidic as possible with a low pH value

lime-poor irrigation water. Water potted hydrangeas regularly to prevent them from drying out, and at the same time make sure that the water can drain well to prevent waterlogging.

How to extend the life of hydrangeas?

Crucial for a long life of the hydrangeas are a suitable Location in the penumbra, sufficient nutrientthat through regular Fertilize be supplied, as well as reasonable Pour. The ornamental shrubs like neither drought nor waterlogging. Once the hydrangea deficiency symptoms shows you should act quickly and take appropriate action.


When old hydrangeas no longer look beautiful

It can happen that a hydrangea bush that is already several decades old does not have that many blossoms or leaves and looks less attractive. In this case, you can try single shoots close to the ground to cut off, so that they can sprout again and vigorously next year.