Diseases affecting the tribe

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What diseases affect the trunk of the maple tree?

Norway maple trunk diseases can include frost cracking, Verticillium wilt, tree canker or the sooty bark disease be. Prevention and treatment vary by disease, with some cases not allowing successful treatment and requiring the tree to be removed.

What do frost cracks on the trunk of the maple look like?

Vertical furrows on one side of the trunk can be frost cracks act, which are caused by intensive solar radiation in cold weather. As a result, the temperature on the south side of the tree trunk is significantly higher, tensions arise and the bark tears.


  • Wrap the trunk with jute or fleece.
  • A white coat of lime prevents the bark from heating up too quickly after a very cold night.

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  • maple diseases
  • maple fungus
  • Norway maple diseases
  • ash maple diseases
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To prevent fungi or pests from settling, you should seal frost cracks promptly with a wound closure preparation.

Why is the bark of the trunk of the maple so ridged?

Damage caused by a furrowed bark on the maple is almost always the

Verticillium wilt. Fungi are the cause. Since these clog the water channels of the tree, the infested gets maple a wrinkled bark.

strides the tree disease continued, clear trunk cracks appear. In the event of additional drought stress, young trees in particular can die off quickly.

How can you combat the verticillium fungus on the maple tree?

Unfortunately there is neither fungicides nor ecological measures to combat the verticillium fungus on maple trees. Another spread of fungal infestation You can only prevent it by removing infested plants and disposing of them with household waste. Never compost them, as the fungus is not killed in the rotting process.

My maple has a canker on the trunk. What to do?

One combat of the fungus that causes tree cancer Unfortunately not possible.

More than ten years ago, the trigger for the trunk canker of the maple tree, the pathogen Eutypella parasitica, was first detected in Central Europe. It penetrates the wood through wounds or broken branches and slowly spreads through the tissue. The elongated, flattened cancerous growths, which lead to a significant deformation of the trunk over time, are mainly found in the middle and lower trunk area.

Slime flow and elongated trunk cracks in maple - what is that?

It is a matter of the sooty bark disease. In urban areas in particular, infestation of the maple with the triggering pathogen Cryptostroma corticale is increasing. You can recognize the disease by the following symptoms:

  • Bark deformations with elongated cracks.
  • mucus flow of the trunk.
  • The bark is falling off the tree.
  • A black, sooty coating appears.

Since there is currently no treatment option, the ball maple often dies within one growing season.

Is Sooty Maple Bark Disease Dangerous to Humans?

The flying spores of the causative agent of sooty bark disease can lead to inflammation of the air sacs in the lungs. Therefore, diseased trees should only be felled by professionals with special protective equipment.


Curling diseased maple

You can kill a maple that has been infected by a trunk disease, with the exception of sooty bark disease, within 12 to 36 months by ringing. A strip of bark five centimeters wide is removed from the lower trunk area and the one below it cambium scraped off with a wire brush.

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