Japanese maple does not bloom

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Why isn't my Japanese maple flowering?

If a Japanese maple does not bloom, frost damage is usually the cause. Protect the plant from frost in winter, especially young plants, and watch out for possible late frosts in spring. In the shade, Japanese maples can usually flower without any problems.

When does the Japanese maple bloom?

The spring from the end of April to May is the time when Japanese maple flowers. The flowers are quite small and have reddish leaves, sometimes the color goes to deep purple. Some sorts bloom even into June.

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Why isn't my Japanese maple flowering?

If the Japanese maple does not bloom in spring, it is usually a frost damage to blame. Especially when it freezes again at night after the first warm days - the ice saints say hello in mid-May - this late frost can destroy the frost-sensitive leaves and buds. The fresh shoots didn't have enough strength to defend themselves against the cold.
In addition, not all species of Japanese maple really hardy are.

Is it normal for my Japanese Maple not to bloom?

When Japanese maple isn't blooming, it is not normal, but also not a really exceptional event in the garden year. The trees can always be saved if attention is paid to adequate protection against frost damage from now on.

How can I fix the damage to the buds?

If the buds are frozen and the maple does not bloom, that is not a death sentence for it. But with that, pests and Diseases If the door and gate are not open via the path through the fresh, frozen shoots, you should proceed as follows:

  • give the maple time to fetch itself under its own steam
  • cut back the frozen shoots around the end of June

Although no new flowers appear in the same year, the tree can sprout and bloom again the next year.

Can Japanese maple also bloom in the shade?

In any case, Japanese maple can too bloom in the shade. He needs no full sun, in a half shade space in the garden or on the balcony it is actually best kept. A rather shady place can therefore not be the reason for the maple not blooming.
The trees will flower without any problems even if they are not placed in full sun.

What can I do to get my Japanese Maple to bloom?

In order for the Japanese maple to bloom next spring, it must winter absolutely protected from frost become. Especially young plants and those in tubs as well bonsai must be overwintered in a place protected from too much cold. Older maples planted in the garden are usually less sensitive to frost.


Protect plants that have already sprouted

Even if the first shoots can already be seen on the Japanese maple, it should definitely be protected from possible late frosts. This is quick and easy with a special winter fleece that wraps around the treetop is attached.