Bow hemp grows in all directions

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Why grows bow hemp in all directions and what can be done about it?

When scalloped cannabis grows in all directions, uneven lighting, root rot, or side shoots are possible causes. A change of location, repotting or dividing the plant can help. As an immediate measure, bow hemp can also be tied together.

Why does scalloped hemp grow in all directions?

uneven lighting conditions, root rot and side rung are the most common causes when a scalloped plant grows in all directions.

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Thanks to a pronounced location tolerance, bow hemp thrives in sunny, partially shaded and shady Place. However, if a Sansevieria is given a location with different incidence of light (e.g. B. sun from the left, shade from the right), horny shoots form that grow in all directions. Too common Pour causes root rot, after which the leaves droop and tip to the side. A mother-in-law's tongue likes to form daughter plants in the form of side shoots with their own direction of growth.

What to do if scalloped hemp grows in all directions?

Relocation, repotting and division are the best countermeasures when a Sansevieria grows in all directions. In the first step you can Tie bow hemp together as short-term immediate action. for one permanent problem solving is to do this:

  • Troubleshoot uneven light conditions: Relocate scrunchie to a location with even light intensity on all sides or one plant lamp(€29.00 at Amazon*) hang over the leaves.
  • problem solving root rot: Repot Sansevieria in loose-drained cactus soil and water more sparingly from now on.
  • Solving the problem of side shoots: cut off the children from the mother plant and plant them in a separate pot.


Bow hemp 'Patula' naturally grows in all directions

The arch hemp variety Sansevieria cylindrica 'Patula' resists all efforts to grow straight. Skilled breeders have taught this new strain to orient its cylindrical leaves in all directions. The result is a bizarre silhouette that sits on the windowsill and the summery balcony causes a stir. Feng-shui devotees consider scalloped hemp 'patula' as one houseplant, which awakens the fighting spirit, reduces fears and promotes defence.