Yellow spots on the pear tree

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Why does the pear tree get yellow spots?

The pear tree is probably with that Rust fungus Gymnosporangium sabinae infected. The disease is called pear gratingdesignated. The pathogen is active from spring to autumn, then overwinters on juniper. A light infestation is not dangerous. Strengthen your tree with pesticides.

When do the yellow spots appear on the pear tree?

The rust fungus Gymnosporangium sabinae overwinters on an ornamental juniper, for example the Sade tree. Only in the spring after the leaves sprout, around May or June, he uses wind to switch to pear trees that are within a radius of about 0.5 km. In particular, weakened trees are affected by an infection. The spots, which are yellow in the early stages, become larger and more orange-reddish in the course of the summer and also become more numerous in the case of a heavy infestation. In addition, wart-like growths with spores form on the underside of the leaves. As soon as the foliage falls to the ground in the fall, the infection ends, and the pathogen again switches to the juniper.

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  • pear-tree-leaves-red-dots
  • Pear tree yellow leaves
  • Pear tree fungus
  • fighting pear rust-juniper
  • pear grating
  • rust stain pear tree
  • pear grate-pears-edible
  • pear tree diseases
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What can I do about yellow spots?

A light infestation does not need to be fought, because it is usually put away well. In any case, you would have to find and remove the second host, the juniper, for successful, permanent control. A fungicide is now commercially available, but it is harmful to some wildlife. Focus on good Care, to increase the tree's resistance, so that a possible fungus ends lightly.

  • optimal fertilize and water
  • fortify with herbal supplements
  • for example with algae extract or horsetail broth
  • Collect and dispose of infested leaves in autumn

Are the fruits of the affected pear still edible?

Yes the fruits remain also during a disease of pear rust edible. The infestation mainly affects the leaves anyway. Only when it is very strong can it disrupt the development of the fruit and deform it. It doesn't change anything about their edibility. However, they fall off before they are fully ripe and therefore cannot be stored for long.


Red dots on the pear tree are from a pest

Do the leaf spots have them? shape of dots and are exclusively red, you are most likely not dealing with pear rust, but with the pest pear pox mite. A light infestation does not need to be combated, in the case of a more severe infestation you can use a product containing sulphur squirt.