Apple tree with fungus on the trunk

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What fungi attack the trunk of the apple tree?

The most well-known fungal disease that shows up on the trunk of the apple tree is the fruit tree cancer. Also the red pustular disease, the ones that look like UFOs tree fungi and the one that spreads during drought bark burn attack the fruit trees and can massively weaken them.

How does fruit tree cancer manifest itself on the trunk?

This disease, caused by the neonectria ditissima pustular fungus, initially leads to a damage of wood fabric and the Die the bark in several parts of the trunk. fruit tree cancer occurs especially in rainy regions.

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The fungus penetrates the plant tissue through injuries such as frost cracks or cuts. As a result, brown, sunken spots appear and the bark of the affected tree bursts open. The apple tree attempts to seal off the damaged area, resulting in thick, bulging overgrowths.

How can I prevent and treat fruit tree cancer?

  • You can get through this fungal disease of the trunk very clean work prevent in upcoming cutting measures.
  • Also make sure that there is no waterlogging in the root area.
  • If you find an infestation, you should cut back the affected parts of the plant down to the healthy wood. Dispose of the clippings in the organic waste, so that the pathogens cannot spread in the garden.

Which fungus causes red pustule disease in apple trees?

Nectria cinnabarina is the Latin name of the causative wound and weakness fungus, spreading from dead tissue to healthy areas of the trunk. First, the fungus develops inside the wood and spreads through the sap pathways. Only later do the orange-colored fruiting bodies appear on the bark.

Cut back parts of the plant affected by the red pustule disease down to the healthy wood and dispose of them in the household waste. Unfortunately, chemical control is not possible.

How do you recognize tree fungi and what helps against them?

The mycelium of tree fungi grows often many years inhidden from the roots to the trunk. If this comes into contact with air, for example due to damage to the bark, the fruiting body appears, which looks like a UFO.

Unfortunately, this can be done once in the Apple tree grown mycelium of tree fungus no longer remove and the apple tree will die over time. However, you can delay this point in time by eliminating the fruiting bodies early. Dispose of these as well as infested clippings in the household waste.

Can an apple tree with bark burn still be saved?

The black bark blight (Diplodia) is also a weakness parasite, the by the increasing heat and dryness in the summer months promoted becomes.

First the Bark blight infection symptomless. As it progresses, the bark shows sunken spots and turns black, giving the appearance of being burned. The bark later peels off into the healthy wood.

  • Thoroughly cut out diseased areas.
  • Then disinfect the cutting tool.
  • Treat the wound sites with a wound closure.
  • Dispose of the clippings in the household waste.


Water and fertilize apple trees sufficiently

Most of the time it is a matter of weakness fungi that cause problems for the apple tree. You can prevent an infestation by watering the fruit tree thoroughly during longer periods of drought. A balanced supply of nutrients is also essential for plant health. Fertilize They in early spring with a natural fertilizer and mulch you the tree disc also with compost.

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