Climbing Hydrangea » Common Diseases & How To Treat Them

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What diseases can climbing hydrangeas receive?
Climbing hydrangeas can from leaf spot disease, genuine mildew, chlorosis and pests such as aphids, nematodes and spider mites to be affected. Unfavorable growth conditions such as the wrong location, calcareous irrigation water or waterlogging can promote diseases. Affected plant parts should be removed and treated.

What diseases do climbing hydrangeas get?

climbing hydrangeas are sometimes of the leaf spot disease affected, which is triggered by different types of pathogens. she is on brown spots on the leaves to recognize. Powdery mildew can also occur. chlorosis (yellow leaves) are caused by climbing hydrangeas due to water that is too calcareous. pests such as aphids, nematodes and spider mites are possible even with these robust plants. One climbing hydrangea, the doesn't want to bloom, can indicate such diseases and pests.

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Why do climbing hydrangeas get sick?

When the robust climbing plants become ill, it is always because they have been weakened by unfavorable growth conditions. Too shady or too sunny

Location, too calcareous irrigation water, waterlogging or drought mean that the plant can no longer defend itself against pathogens.

What are the symptoms of powdery mildew on climbing hydrangeas?

When infested with the fungal disease "powdery mildew" the leaves form climbing hydrangeagrey, moldy acting toppings. The wind spreads the fungal spores quickly, and the disease can spread rapidly. Here only timely helps cut off and complete removal of all affected leaves and shoots. If you cannot control the disease by cutting off the diseased leaves, fight the powdery mildew with a biological fungicide. Others too Hydrangeas in the garden can get powdery mildew receive.


How do I treat leaf spot and chlorosis on climbing hydrangeas?

The leaf spot disease of Hydrangea petiolaris cannot be cured with home remedies, only rabiates can help here cut away all affected parts of the plant. You must dispose of the diseased plant material in the household waste or (if you allow it) burn it. If your climbing hydrangea has chlorosis, you should only water the plants with lime-free water. The newly sprouting leaves will then look normal again.