Is cherry laurel poisonous to chickens?

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Is cherry laurel poisonous to chickens?

Cherry laurel is potentially toxic to chickens because all parts of the plant contain prunasin containing hydrocyanic acid. Nevertheless, chicken farmers report that their animals usually do not show any signs of poisoning. However, a hazard cannot be ruled out in the case of large quantities.

Is cherry laurel poisonous to chickens?

Cherry laurel is for chickens potentially toxic. All parts of the cherry laurel plant contain toxins, especially this Prunasin containing prussic acid. The concentration is particularly high in the Scroll and seed.

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Explanation: When chewing the parts of the plant, hydrocyanic acid is released in the stomach, which is highly toxic for humans and almost all animals.

But: Chickens rarely appear to be poisoned even if they regularly nibble on cherry laurel. More detailed analyzes are not yet available. However, we advise Caution.

What happens when chickens eat poisonous cherry laurel?

When chickens eat poisonous cherry laurel, happens

usually nothing bad. From the numerous practical experiences of chicken farmers, it is clear that it has never harmed the health of the animals, now and then the leaves, flowers and/or fruit the bay cherry to eat.

Note: It can be assumed that - as with other living beings - on the dose arrives If a chicken eats a lot of cherry laurel at once, it can probably lead to poisoning.

Can the poisonous cherry laurel kill chickens?

So far no chicken seems to have died from cherry laurel. However is cannot be completely ruled outthat the laurel cherry can kill chickens. Also, the greater the amount of plants a chicken consumes, the greater the likelihood that the plant's toxicity will have a serious impact on the animal's health.

What to do if chicken shows signs of cherry laurel poisoning?

If, contrary to expectations, one of your chickens shows symptoms of poisoning after eating cherry laurel, you should call a vet immediately. Fortunately, however, it is relatively unlikely that such an emergency will actually occur.


It is better to do without cherry laurel in the chicken coop and run

Even if there have been almost no negative reports so far, you should refrain from planting cherry laurel in the chicken coop or chicken run due to the potential toxicity. We also advise against deliberately feeding the chickens cherry laurel. There are so many pretty plants that are safe for gallinaceous birds. It is therefore better to choose species that do not pose any danger.