Keep basil plants indoors

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Can you plant basil indoors?

Although basil is a plant that garden bed, thrives in the greenhouse or in the balcony planter, it can be planted indoors. The prerequisite for this is a sunny day Location on the windowsill without extreme midday heat.

Where should basil be indoors?

Basil has to be like this bright and warm stand as possible. While temperatures of at least 15, better 20 °C are not a problem in the kitchen, it often looks different with the brightness. A dark place on the worktop is by no means suitable for the light germ. A bright place on the windowsill is ideal. If the sun is too strong around midday, however, slight shading must be provided. A south-facing balcony is ideal.

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  • basil outside
  • Repot basil
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  • put-basilic-in-water
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How can I plant basil in the apartment?

You can either cuttings plant or basil sowing.
With both options, it is important to ensure good herbal soil so that the basil is supplied with important nutrients.
If the plant is large enough, it can be placed in an attractive planter, or alternatively in the form of a

hydroponics being held. It is also a nice option to put the basil in a Glass to plant.

Why does store-bought basil often shrink so quickly indoors?

Just bought it, the basil leaves are already drooping and goes in. That's because the plants pulled up too fast were and sit too closely in nutrient-poor soil. The most important measure for purchased basil that is in the apartment is to cover the plant split and absolutely to repot. In addition, purchased basil must be slowly accustomed to the sun on the windowsill.

How to care for basil in the apartment?

The following points should be observed when caring for basil in the home:

  1. using a good herbal soil, so that the basil is supplied with important nutrients
  2. Avoid drafts
  3. On regular watering Pay attention, always water from below (i.e. not over the leaves) and avoid waterlogging at all costs
  4. Regularlyfertilize, best with organic, liquid fertilizer in the irrigation water

What should be considered when spending the winter in the apartment?

If you only want to put your basil plants in the apartment in winter, you have to make sure that it neither too cool nor too dark is. The kitchen is a suitable place, dark basement rooms and unheated hallways are unsuitable.


Pay attention to the right harvest

If there is basil in the kitchen, there is a great temptation to quickly pluck off a few leaves. It is better not to do this, but always separate whole shoots. This is better for the plant, which will also thank you with a bushy growth.

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