Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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How do you recognize and treat red pustule disease on maples?

The red pustule disease on the maple is expressed by red pustules on the bark as well as brownish discoloration and withered shoot tips in spring. To treat infested trees, the affected shoots should be cut back into the healthy wood and wound sealants should be applied to the cut areas.

How do I recognize the red pustule disease on the maple?

You can recognize an advanced red pustule disease by small ones red pustules at the maple bark. This is one fungus. If nothing is done, the red pustule fungus (Nectria cinnabarina) will continue to spread. Then not only the bark of the plant is affected. The health of the maple is becoming more and more weak and ulcers or secondary diseases can also result. The earlier you recognize and treat the disease, the less complicated the treatment.

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How do I recognize red pustule disease early?

Brownish coloring the bark and wilted shoot tips in spring are early signs of red pustule disease. If these changes become apparent in summer or as early as spring, it is best to react immediately. The red fruit bodies usually only appear later, when the fungus has already spread more widely in the deciduous trees.

How do I treat an affected maple tree?

Cut Back the maple affected by the red pustule disease down to the healthy parts. At the cutbackt proceed as follows:

  1. Use a sharp cutting tool.
  2. Thoroughly disinfect the blade.
  3. Cut back affected shoots consistently.
  4. Watch out for clean cuts.
  5. Completely remove the clippings from the garden.

Since the maple tends to bleed from a larger cut, you should seal these cuts with a suitable wound sealant. Otherwise, the next fungal disease could tamper with the wood here.

Which Maple Trees Are Susceptible to Red Pustula Disease?

The red pustular disease attacks weakened maple trees. It is therefore also referred to as a weakness parasite. Typically, the disease arises after false Care, at an inappropriate Location or due to pruning errors. The best thing to do is to take a closer look at what the maple could be missing.


Choose a good location and fertilize the maple!

If you choose a location that is as suitable as possible and the maple occasionally fertilize, you can prevent red pustule disease on maples.

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