Lucky bamboo: care from A-Z

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Lucky bamboo

table of contents

  • Characteristics
  • Location
  • Substrate
  • Repot
  • care
  • to water
  • Fertilize
  • Cut
  • Overwinter
  • Multiply
  • Pests and diseases
  • Caution: poisonous plant

Profile and care information open +conclude -

Flower color
October November December
Growth habit
up to 100 cm high
Soil type
sandy, loamy
Soil moisture
moderately moist
PH value
weakly acidic
Limescale tolerance
Calcium intolerant
rich in humus
Plant families
Asparagus family, Asparagaceae
Plant species
Potted plants, Houseplants, Balcony plants
Garden style
Pot garden, winter garden

The lucky bamboo is one of the plants that are often assigned to the wrong plant family due to their name. However, the asparagus plant known under the English name Lucky Bamboo is one Dragon tree and not one bamboolet alone one Yucca palm. The confusion arises because of the long stems, which remind many people of bamboo, which in the end leads to numerous care errors and leads to the death of the snake lily.


  • botanical name: Dracaena braunii, formerly Dracaena sanderiana
  • Genus: Dragon trees (Dracaena)
  • Family: Asparagaceae
  • Common names: snake lily, lucky bamboo
  • upright, columnar shrub
  • Height: 80 - 100 cm
  • Leaves: broad, lanceolate leaves in deep green with a smooth surface
  • Flowers: white flowers in the shape of a plate on numerous panicles
  • Flowering period: October to December
  • Origin: Cameroon, western African tropical belt, Canary Islands
  • not hardy
  • not lime tolerant
  • evergreen
  • Almost never flowers as a houseplant or only after seven to ten years
  • red berries appear after flowering
  • important Feng Shui plant
  • despite the name, it is not a bamboo
  • poisonous in all parts of the plant
  • forms a red sap that gave the genus the name "dragon trees"


Lucky bamboo
The lucky bamboo likes to be light.

Since the serpentine line comes from the tropical areas of Africa, it needs a suitable location:

  • Light requirement: bright
  • not too much direct sunlight
  • high humidity
  • Temperature: from 18 ° C (constant)
  • growth slows down at temperatures below 15 ° C
  • does not tolerate drafts
  • cold floors should be avoided

When the air in the heating system is dry, make sure to spray the plant regularly with water or set up a bowl nearby that is filled with fresh water. Alternatively, you can use an automatic humidifier, which always ensures ideal humidity. After the ice saints until mid-September, you can place the Dracaena braunii in the garden or on the balcony, as long as it is not in direct sunlight. The blazing midday sun in particular is too much for the asparagus plant.

Tip: The lighter the location, the faster the lucky bamboo grows. Because of this, you can regulate the growth rate when you attach the plant to one Place in a partially shaded place, but in the long run this can have a negative effect on the vitality of the snake lily impact.


The substrate for the lucky bamboo should be made in the following way:

  • humus
  • loamy
  • enriched with sand for better drainage
  • pH value: 6.0

For example, you can use high-quality potting soil enriched with sand or perlite. This means that the substrate remains permeable and can provide sufficient nutrients for the vigorous plant. In addition to being kept in soil, you can also opt for hydroponics or purely for water. In this case Seramis clay granules or expanded clay are very suitable.


Lucky bamboo
Terracotta pots are recommended as they allow good moisture and air circulation.

After purchasing it, you should definitely repot your specimen. Repotting is also important as soon as Dracaena braunii has taken root in the substrate or hydroponics and when it is apparently too big for the pot. If the crop gets too big, it can tip over, which has a negative impact on health. When repotting in substrate, proceed as follows:

  • choose a voluminous pot larger than the previous one
  • this is especially important if it is still a young plant
  • it should have at least one drain hole and a coaster
  • Spread a thin layer of expanded clay on the floor to provide drainage
  • fill the pot halfway with fresh substrate
  • take the plant out of the old pot
  • Gently tap some of the old substrate off the roots
  • do not damage the roots
  • Planting is 10 cm deep for a plant up to 50 cm, 20 cm deep for a plant over 50 to 100 cm
  • fill the rest of the pot with substrate, but not all the way to the brim
  • pound the earth down a little
  • pour on

When repotting hydroponically, do the following:

  • the pot is selected in the same way
  • now fill with the granulate
  • the plant must be placed deeper in the granules
  • Granules do not offer as much hold as substrate
  • you should experiment a little here until the plant is secure
  • pour on

If you want to keep your lucky bamboo completely in water, you have to clean the roots completely beforehand so that no soil gets into the glass or the bowl. Then check the roots and remove any dead ones. Then choose a container that is heavy enough. Glass containers are particularly recommended here and offer a view of the attractive roots of the plants. Fill the container with water so that at least three centimeters of the stems are in the water. Use low-lime, stale water, filter water or rain water.

Tip: Plastic pots are also recommended, they just encourage mold to grow.


Lucky bamboo
If you adhere to the specified requirements for location and substrate, lucky bamboo is fairly easy to care for.

You have to water and fertilize the plant regularly, as it can only be kept in a pot in Germany, but it can cope on its own. It may be necessary to hold adult specimens in place with straps or sticks, as the long stems could fall to one side over time.

to water

The lucky bamboo is poured regularly because it cannot withstand drought. Depending on the type of attitude, the following must be poured differently:

  1. Substrate: check the surface of the substrate regularly. As soon as this has dried, pour with lime-free water. Excess water in the saucer is simply thrown away after standing for a while. In winter, reduce the frequency as the soil takes much longer to dry up.
  2. Hydroponics: for hydroponics you proceed in the same way as for the substrate. Check the granules to see whether they are completely dry and pour in again accordingly. You usually need a little more water here, as the granules can absorb a lot of moisture.
  3. Water: if you keep the specimen pure in the water, simply top it up regularly with fresh water. If algae form or there is an unpleasant smell, you should change the water and use a home remedy. A piece of charcoal that is simply placed in the water is best for this purpose.


Lucky bamboo are extremely hungry plants and require sufficient nutrients to support the rapid growth that is typical of the genus. Especially the plants in hydroponics and water tanks need sufficient fertilizer. Obtain a special hydroponic fertilizer for keeping in hydroponics. These are ideal for supplying the snake lilies with nutrients. This is added to the water every ten days. For plants grown in water, use a special fertilizer that is designed to meet the needs of Lucky Bamboo. It is also given every ten days. In the substrate you also use the special fertilizer, only apply it over the irrigation water.

Tip: You don't need to fertilize if you have chosen pre-fertilized soil as a substrate. Here it is enough if you repot annually to give the plant new energy.


The plant only needs a cut if it becomes too big for you. Then just cut off the top part with a disinfected sharp knife. You can also use the cut for shaping. For example, if you want a sweeping crown, remove the side shoots on the trunk with a knife at your desired height. You can even do this all year round. Sick or dead plant parts are always removed as soon as they appear in order to maintain vitality.


During the winter time, the minimum temperature should not fall below 18 ° C and the plant should be protected from drafts. Intermittent ventilation for ten minutes is fine if you let fresh air into the room over the winter. Otherwise you just have to make sure that the humidity does not get too low.


Lucky bamboo
The propagation of lucky bamboo is very easy.

You can do this by using cuttings, which use two types of plant material:

  • Side shoots
  • the tribe itself

You either cut off the side shoots of the plant or cut the trunk into ten centimeter pieces. The second variant is only worthwhile if you already have several plants available. Also mark which is the underside of the cuttings. Then proceed as follows:

  • put the cuttings with the underside in water with little lime
  • now you have to wait for the underside to take root
  • In addition, the side shoots should grow to a length of 10 cm
  • now you can either plant them in substrate or hydroponics or put them in fresh water

Tip: Seed cultivation is also possible, but requires good luck and patience. In addition, it is not easy to get seeds for the plants, as they almost never bloom in Central Europe.

Pests and diseases

The crop does not suffer from diseases as long as it receives suitable water. If the water is too lime, it can lead to lime margins on the trunks and yellow leaves, which can be remedied by changing the water and substrate. Scale insects are the Dracaena braunii 'biggest problem. You can see these clearly by the shields and that they attach themselves to the underside of the leaves and the stems and literally suck the life force out of the plant. Proceed against the pest as follows:

  • use plant protection sticks when maintaining substrate
  • Treat hydroponic or water cultures with summer oil
  • then rinse the plants thoroughly with water

You should also watch out for yellow leaf tips, which indicate a lack of water or too little light, which can severely affect the plant. While you could try to pick it up, it can be a lot of work. However, since lucky bamboo is not expensive, the effort can sometimes be worthwhile.

Tip: If the stem of your plant turns increasingly yellow, you will need to cut away these areas generously and repot the plant or put it in fresh water. This problem is an unknown fungus, virus or bacterium that can severely affect the lucky bamboo.

Caution: poisonous plant

Lucky bamboo
Don't forget that lucky bamboo is poisonous!

You should make sure that the lucky bamboo is one of the poisonous plants. The plant has a high concentration of saponins and glycosides, which are mainly found in the leaves, which can be a problem for dogs, cats and small children. In most cases, healthy adults, teenagers and seniors have no problem with the ingredients, but consumption should be avoided. The following symptoms indicate consumption of the parts of the plant or the vapors from the plant, which are also poisonous:

  • general malaise
  • nausea
  • Vomit
  • Circulatory disorders
  • Difficulty breathing up to and including complete blockage in asthmatics
  • Sweats
  • bloody diarrhea in children

These symptoms can be dangerous, especially for sensitive people and small children. However, there are no known deaths from the plant because the bitter substances are too strong. Babies and toddlers have poor sense of taste, which makes them a victim for the toxins. In dogs, cats and other pets, the serpentine line looks even stronger due to the smaller body size. The following symptoms are typical:

  • increased salivation
  • Balance problems
  • staggering gait
  • Vomit
  • diarrhea
  • Circulatory disorders
  • cramps

In most cases, consumption of the lucky bamboo is not fatal, but continued consumption of the leaves can lead to mild anemia, i.e. the loss of red blood cells. Therefore, you should not keep the plant near dogs and especially cats, as they like to chew on the leaves out of boredom, which causes the toxins to enter the body. It is similar with curious children. If symptoms occur, you should see a doctor or veterinarian immediately and take a leaf of the plant with you for identification.