When do I put out daisies?

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When can you put out daisies?

Marguerites can be put out after the ice saints in May, as some species are sensitive to frost. Hardy species, such as fat meadow or poor meadow daisies, can remain outside all year round.

When can daisies be put out?

Frost-sensitive daisies may only after the ice saints be put out or planted in May. The situation is different for the species native to this country (rich meadow and poor meadow daisies) and many hybrid species. They are considered hardy and can therefore remain outside all year round.

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  • Marguerite Frost
  • Marguerite Frost
  • Marguerite overwinters in the bucket
  • Marguerite overwinter pruning
  • potted-plants-outside
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  • daisies frost damage
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Which types of daisies are sensitive to frost?

To those sensitive to frost species of daisies include the shrub daisies and the popular colorful ones Bornholm daisies, which incidentally belong to a different genus. Contrary to what its name might suggest, the Bornholm daisy comes from South Africa. It is usually cultivated as an annual, but is basically perennial. One wintering worthwhile if you have enough space and don't shy away from the effort.

How to treat daisies on the balcony?

Her Daisies on the balcony need the same care like bedding plants, namely a relatively large amount of water and sun as well as sufficient nutrients. In pots or window boxes(€41.00 at Amazon*) However, daisies are much more sensitive to frost than in the bed. You should therefore plant the plants before the first night frosts threaten cut back and bring it into the house. If you do not have space to overwinter, you can also cultivate daisies as an annual.

How do I deal with daisy stems?

Ideally you should daisy trunkpull in the bucket, so you can best overwinter the plants. Bring the pot plants into a bright and frost-free winter quarters.
Even in winter, your marguerite stem needs water and light, but no fertilizer. Towards the end of winter, the temperatures in the winter quarters are allowed to rise slowly. After the Ice Saints, when there is no longer any threat of night frost, the daisy trunk can move back into the garden.


pest infestation in winter

Some pests, such as the spider mites, also occur in daisies, especially in winter. Why is that? The climate in the winter quarters is usually to blame. It should be cool, light and airy there. Spider mites like it dry and warm, so a slightly higher humidity or regular watering of the plants in the winter quarters makes sense.