Why does the spindle bush lose its leaves?

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Why is my Spindle bush its leaves?
A spindle tree loses leaves due to pests such as the spindle tree cover scale, spindle treeweb moth or spider mites, drought, frost damage or diseases such as real and false mildew. Strengthen the shrub with good site selection, fertilization and regular watering to prevent leaf loss.

Which pest weakens the spindle bush to the point of leaf fall?

It is the Spindle Tree Lid Scale, which this plant likes to attack and whose infestation can lead to the shedding of leaves. The Japanese spindle (Japonicus euonymus) is very often affected. This type of scale insect sucks on the leaves of the spindle bush until they have almost completely lost their juice and fall off due to a lack of nutrients.

also read

  • Japanese spindle pruning
  • Spindle bush pruning
  • Spindle shrub pests
  • Euonymus care
  • Euonymus location
  • fight spindle-plant-lid scale-insect
  • Euonymus japonicus poisonous
  • Spindle bush propagation
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Are there other pests that attack the spindle bush?

There are other pests such as the Spindle Tree Moth and spider mites, which can damage the spindle tree so much that it loses individual leaves. While the euonymus spider moth is less of a concern, a spider mite infestation can become so severe that the spindle bush dies. You can recognize spider mites on the spindle bush by the webs on the leaf axils and on the leaf edges.

How is a pest infestation treated on the spindle bush?

If your spindle bush is heavily infested with the spindle bush cover scale insect, you should radically treat your plant cut back. The affected parts of the plant should then be disposed of in the household waste. In the case of a small infestation, home remedies can sometimes help. You can the scale insects and additionally spray the spindle with an oil mixture that eliminates remaining spindle scales.

Even with an infestation by spider mites, it is advisable to remove infested parts of the plant.

Which diseases lead to leaf loss on the spindle bush?

At Diseases occurs in spindle under bad site conditions the powdery mildew on. It shows up on the top of the leaf. You should cut off affected parts, otherwise the fungal pathogen will spread. As a preventative measure, it is advisable to regularly water the spindle bush with a decoction field horsetail to pour. The contained silicic acid strengthens the leaf structure.

Downy mildew occurs less frequently on spindle bushes. In contrast to powdery mildew, discolouration can be seen here on the underside of the leaf. If the infestation is severe, the leaves will eventually fall off.

Does the spindle bush lose its leaves due to drought?

Drought can cause the spindle tree to lose its loses leaves. The drought in the summer months, which has been occurring more and more frequently in recent years, does not stop at the spindle bushes. These growths suffer and should therefore have an appropriate Care received, which includes regular watering. Evergreen species must also be watered in winter when it is too dry or they are in a bucket.

Does the spindle bush lose its leaves due to frost damage?

Some spindles like the Japanese spindle are not good hardy and can lose their leaves due to severe sub-zero temperatures. Therefore overwinter a spindle bush that is in the bucket frost-free and bright.


Prevent leaf loss - strengthen spindle bush

Let your spindle bush grow in a sunny and airy spot. Fertilize Feed it regularly - ideally once in spring and a second time in summer - with a suitable fertilizer and make sure that it is not exposed to drought or waterlogging.

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