Princess flower, violet tree, Tibouchina urvilleana

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Princess flower, Tibouchina urvilleana

table of contents

  • Location
  • care
  • to water
  • Fertilize
  • Repot
  • Cut
  • Overwinter
  • Multiply
  • Pests
  • Diseases

Profile and care information open +conclude -

Flower color
purple, blue
August September October
Growth habit
upright, bushy, perennial
up to 80 centimeters high
Soil type
sandy, gritty
Soil moisture
moderately moist, fresh
PH value
weakly acidic
Limescale tolerance
Calcium intolerant
rich in humus
Plant families
Blackmouth family, Melastomataceae
Plant species
Ornamental plants, perennials
Garden style
Ornamental garden, perennial garden

Their original home is distant Brazil. There the princess flower, also known as the violet tree, reaches imposing heights of four meters and more. The Tibouchina urvilleana is usually used in this country as a container plant. However, it also occurs as a room culture, but then turns out to be much more filigree and compact. The opulent, intensely colored flowers in strong purple tones and their anthers are typical. Due to their curved shape, these resemble small hooks or claws.


The princess flower is a very sun-kissed plant due to its subtropical origin. She loves a bright place where it can get warm. Even several hours of direct sun are no problem for them. It loses leaves as soon as the location is too dark. It cannot stand strong winds either. In order to thrive optimally, nutritious loose soils are preferred.

Princess flower with purple petals


The substrate used should be slightly acidic and humic. Avoid waterlogging by all means. As soon as there is no longer any threat of frost, the violet tree can move into its place on the terrace from around mid-May. Within rooms, a south-facing window is recommended for the plant, where it can benefit from the sun.

In general, it is a plant for tubs. However, taking into account all the necessary conditions, it is quite possible to plant the princess flower directly in the bed. However, if the first frosts set in, all specimens must move into the roost to safely hibernate.

Container plant and indoor culture

The princess bush almost always finds its place on terraces. It is considered a popular container plant. It rarely comes directly into the bed. If you do not have a garden or balcony, the ornamental plant is also suitable as an impressive indoor culture.

As soon as the plant is to be placed in a tub, it must be sufficiently large and spacious. It is advisable to set a drainage and then fill the whole thing up with the nutrient-rich substrate. The plant must be carefully placed and watered. If night frosts still prevail in May, bring the princess flower into the house for safety.

to water

The Tibouchina urvilleana needs a balanced watering behavior according to the respective season. She needs regular water during the summer months. It is a good time when the surface of the substrate is already slightly dry. Ideally, use rainwater for this. Waterlogging damages your plant, even in pots with a saucer there should never be water.

Princess flower is perennial and evergreen

The well-deserved rest phase sets in in winter. Now the violet tree needs very little and limited water. You should still water at regular intervals, as this prevents the plant from drying out completely.


You can choose between liquid fertilizers and long-term fertilizers. When the Tibouchina urvilleana is outdoors, liquid fertilizer may be used once a week. In general, the dosage for complete fertilizers is two grams per liter of water supply.

An alternative is fertilizer cones, which are intended for a long period of time and are only stuck into the substrate. All products purchased should have the lowest possible calcium content so that the plants are not damaged.

  • Period May to October
  • no fertilizer required in the winter dormancy phase
  • Before fertilizing, water the soil with a fertilizer solution
  • Do not fertilize for four weeks after repotting
  • If there is a lack of nutrients, apply liquid fertilizer in the specified concentration twice within seven days
  • In the event of an accidental excess fertilizer, carefully wash off the root ball with water


It is to be expected that the violet tree will have to be repotted every one to two years. Choose a sufficiently large bucket and high-quality soil. Basically, the container should be about five to a maximum of seven centimeters in diameter larger. In this way you promote the optimal development of your plants.

If you would choose an even more spacious vessel, the growth would concentrate primarily on the root formation and not on the upper part with its leaves and flowers. Pay attention to loose, nutrient-rich substrate, which may already contain a long-term fertilizer if necessary.


The princess flower originally has an upright growth habit that is rarely naturally spreading. By regularly pruning, the plant not only grows in height, but also branches out as desired. Their shape then resembles a bush or a shrub, hence the name princess bush. You can use scissors for younger plants. In total, you repeat the pruning three times a year.

  • Regular pruning promotes the branching development of the plant
  • Months for pruning are March, May and July
  • The new shoots are cut off after the flowering period and also very long and protruding shoots
Princess flower, Tibouchina urvilleana with flower buds

When pruning, be sure to use absolutely clean and sharp garden tools. Otherwise, the violet tree could be damaged or infested with diseases such as fungi or spores.


Due to its South American origins, the princess flower is unfortunately not hardy. The evergreen plant can withstand a maximum temperature of about 5 degrees Celsius. As a rule, she moves to her winter quarters from the end of October. If you have a winter garden, it will have its place there during the rest phase. The plants are only allowed to go out into the sun at a temperature of around 15 degrees Celsius.

  • Hibernate from October to around March
  • temperatures of 10 to 15 degrees Celsius should prevail
  • it must be light in the room during the day
  • Before billeting, you are allowed to make a reduction of a third to a half
  • pouring is only necessary to a limited extent. In no way should it lead to dehydration

You will significantly improve the conditions for the plants by regularly ventilating the chosen room. This increases the existing humidity and the overall room climate. Time intervals of one to two days are appropriate. The only exceptions are days when there is severe frost. By ventilating you may avoid diseases and the dreaded spider mites.


Seeds, cuttings and young plants

Tibouchina urvilleana can be bought as young, vigorous plants. If you want to grow the princess flower yourself from seeds or cuttings, you have to be patient. Because with both variants, the plant should spend the first year inside the house. Only then is she allowed to go outside.

Princess flower, Tibouchina urvilleana with its filigree, purple flowers

From seeds

Necessary seeds are available from specialist shops. However, they can be taken from dried capsules in the fall.

  • Sow in March
  • a recommended substrate is a mixture of peat and sand
  • it is essential to ensure the supply of light
  • Do not cover the seeds completely, just press lightly
  • ensure constant temperatures between 20 and 22 degrees Celsius
  • Germination time on average between three and seven weeks

As soon as the first leaves appear, the young plants are placed in an ordinary small pot. Of course, they still need a warm, sunny location. So that strong and at the same time resilient plants can grow, it is advisable to leave the young princess flowers in the house until next spring.

From cuttings

In the case of already existing healthy plants, the violet tree can also be propagated with your own cuttings.

How to do it right:

  • Use spring as the ideal time
  • Choose shoots ten to twelve cm long
  • Select the intersection below a leaf node
  • Defoliate offshoots
  • at least one pair of leaves must be visible in the pot
  • Put the foil or plastic cover over it
  • regular ventilation required

Use a high-quality, but nutrient-poor substrate for cultivation. The slipped cover simulates the conditions that prevail in a greenhouse. In this way, too, you can ensure the necessary temperatures of around 22 degrees Celsius. It takes about eight to ten weeks for the cuttings to develop their roots. Now is the time to transplant them one by one into a pot.

Tip: Do not water the plants from above, but feed in the water from below. To do this, fill a high bowl with a few centimeters of water and place the vessel in it. Now wait a few minutes until the soil feels damp. Then the pots come back to their place in the sun.


Basically, the princess flower is considered a robust plant. It is resilient and is not easily attacked by pests or diseases. Very rarely does it lose leaves. The sooner you discover irregularities, the faster you can act. The so-called spider mites are a recurring problem.

However, these only attack the princess bush during its winter break. In the event of an infestation, you would recognize delicate white webs and brown speckled areas. The causes lie in the prevailing drought or in the low humidity of the winter quarters.

How to remedy the situation:

  • Always ventilate the room for the plants sufficiently and thus ensure the supply of sufficient moisture
  • Aids are special humidifiers or bowls filled with water
  • Alternatively, fill the saucer bowl from the bucket with a mixture of water and pebbles
  • However, avoid the formation of waterlogging

It is important that the pests do not multiply further. If you cannot stop the infestation simply by adding moisture, try showering the spider mites off. This often works very well with a warm jet of water. Another option is to scrape the mites off the infested leaves. If there are already too many pests, you need to address the problem with an appropriate crop protection product.

Princess flower with purple flowers, these are up to 6 centimeters in diameter


Yellow leaves and leaf loss

Owners of Tibouchina urvilleana repeatedly report that their plants have yellow leaves. There are several reasons for this. One possibility that can be used for both indoor plants and potted plants is wind or Draft. The princess flower does not tolerate both. Avoid too airy places on the terrace or long open windows.

Another trigger could be the irrigation water used. If you use tap water a lot or only, check its quality. The violet tree does not tolerate lime, but it is present in hard tap water and causes what is known as chlorosis. However, there is a good chance the plant will regenerate again. To prevent yellow leaves, water only with rainwater or boiled tap water.

Your plant is losing leaves and you don't know why. In almost all cases, the cause can be found in the site conditions. The princess flower simply gets too little light in its place. Avoid partially shaded as well as shady areas. After moving around, give the plant time to recover.

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