When tuber begonias don't grow

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What to do if tuberous begonias not grow?

You should Check the substrate and view the light conditions. Has waterlogging accumulated or has it dried out? Excessive exposure to the sun can impair the plant metabolism. In the long term, this also means that tuberous begonias will no longer grow.

Why don't tuberous begonias sprout?

To cold temperatures during hibernation can also be a reason for a lack of growth. Generally you should use the tuberous begonia absolutely frost-free hibernate and only after the ice saints at the end of May into the open set. If the begonia gets too much cold, the new shoots of the bulbous begonia will not grow in the spring.

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How do I get tuberous begonias to grow again?

Fertilize the tuberous begonia and make sure you choose the right one begonia care. Water the Begonia moderately so that the substrate does not become too wet. You should add liquid balcony flower fertilizer to the irrigation water every 14 days during the warmer months of the year. Since the beautiful slate plant produces many flowers, the plant also needs plenty of nutrients. You should meet this need with the right care. Otherwise it can happen that the tuberous begonia no longer grows as soon as the substrate is exhausted.

Can a wrong location hinder growth?

Even an unfavorable location can growth steam sensitively. You should check the light levels at different times of the day. Make sure that the blazing midday sun does not hit the bulbous begonia directly. If the sun is in the firmament, the bulbous begonia should be in the shade or in the sun if possible penumbra stand. Otherwise the leaves will be damaged. However, their condition is of considerable importance for the metabolic processes and the health of the plant.


Accelerate the growth of tuberous begonia

Do you want tuberous begonias to sprout earlier and grow faster? If your prefer bulbous begonias, you can enjoy the growth and the colorful flowers faster.