Ants on the tree

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What to do with ants on the tree

Ants on the tree are usually harmless, but can become a nuisance if they are infested with aphids. Fight aphids with a water jet and soft soap solution, keep ants with glue rings or unpleasant odors and encourage natural predators such as lacewings and ladybug.

Are ants on the tree harmful?

ants are beneficials and in many ways advantageous for your garden and those growing in it Plant. The little animals clean up garden waste and organic remains found under the tree. Some types of ants even eat caterpillars that feed on tree leaves. The animals support the ecological balance. If there is a plague of ants that are constantly on the tree, you should react.

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When do ants crawl on trees?

Lots of ant trails and sticky residue on the leaves is a sign of one aphid infestation. The sticky residue is a lice excretion. This excretion is also known as honeydew and is readily consumed by ants. Ants care for and protect aphids and specifically milk them. By cultivating the pests in this way, the infestation continues to spread without your intervention. If the leaves stick together more and more, this hinders photosynthesis and promotes fungal attack.

How to get rid of aphids and ants on the tree?

Treat the affected tree with a strong water jet and with one soft soap solution. With large trees, you will probably not be able to treat the entire tree. Young trees in particular should be treated as completely as possible with the soft soap solution and all leaves sprayed with it. Use this method for about three weeks. Then the aphids disappear and with them the ants on the tree.

How do I keep ants off the tree?

Bring glue rings on the trunk of the tree or spray home remedies with an awkward one Odor at these. The glue rings physically stop ants from crawling up the tree. If you spray the following substances, you will keep the ants away from the tree by smell:

  • Vinegar
  • Cinammon
  • tea tree oil

You can also empty plant manure on site. This also keeps ants away from the tree in terms of smell.

How do I cut off the way for ants to get to the tree?

Another means of combating is algae lime. This strongly basic substance neutralizes formic acid and is therefore not crossed by ants. You can come up with a line algae lime interrupt the common ant trails. However, you should keep in mind that not every tree appreciates an alkaline pH value. Therefore, laying out algae lime does not make sense for all plants.


Natural predators offer help

While ants do not aphids wolf down, other animals will certainly provide you with good support here. lacewings and ladybug are among the natural predators of the aphid.

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